Fatalii smackdown

Just stuck some more AJ fatalii seeds in a baggie to germinate. Decided that is 1 of the 4 slots of my new hydro system.

Not in the competition, but doesn't mean I won't be posting pics of a damned fine fatalii in a few weeks.
Txclosetgrower said:
Just stuck some more AJ fatalii seeds in a baggie to germinate. Decided that is 1 of the 4 slots of my new hydro system.

Not in the competition, but doesn't mean I won't be posting pics of a damned fine fatalii in a few weeks.

I can't wait to see how they do. I bet yours will be bigger than mine when I plant out in May.
You got half of the right attitude Txcg. Yeah you'll be posting some damn fine pics but you can't give up on the little comparison we have going. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to finish in first but I'll never quit talking smack! You never know, something really good could happen to one of my fataliis and it may just take off! Bring that weak stuff on!

Before this is over I'll have the Keebler elves living in one of my fatalii's and their freaking cookie factory in another one. I'm talking gihugic!:P
Josh said:
I can't wait to see how they do. I bet yours will be bigger than mine when I plant out in May.
it'll be interesting to see the differences between yours and mine come harvest. Same weather, same area (kind of), etc., it could be rather interesting.

Anyone ever use the plastic crawlspace covers as a sort of mini-greenhouse? My plants are outgrowing the dome i have them in.
18 of 25 Fatalii's, still a little small but I think they are on a growth spurt. Finally starting to green up too, they have been getting the epsom salt spray couple times a week these guys were pretty yellow.


nice and green...looks like the epsom salt is doing the trick...
geez two months already...where does the time go...
Here's where my Fataliis are as of today. Almost forgot to take pictures of my 2009 grow completely! Everything has been good this week (weather wise) and I can only hope it stays this way until April 20th's sure fire set out date. PRF, are you coastal SC?

Hey how about that some more Fatalli pics. Those are very healthy but I'm sure you already know Pepper-Guru. I live a hop skip and a jump from the beach Rich. Ketchup!
millworkman said:
Guru, are you using straight sunlight?

Well, sunlight through 6mil UV plastic...lol Works good though.

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Hey how about that some more Fatalli pics. Those are very healthy but I'm sure you already know Pepper-Guru. I live a hop skip and a jump from the beach Rich. Ketchup!
I was wondering, b/c there is NO WAY I would put mine out next week living here in Atlanta. I'm sure we will be having a few more frost, hell, FREEZES for that matter! Oh, and don't worry...as for catching up...These plants will be monsters in a month or two, and EVEN BIGGER come September! Hell, by then they will have shadowed my neighbor's garden across the street, leaving no ray of sun for his plants.
They look great Guru. I don't know if this makes sense, but to me they look relaxed. As if they are getting the right amount of water, sun, etc. and are comfortable in their growing environment. Keep it up.
great looking Fataliis Guru...

if the cold hasn't already hit you guys...it has not been above 41 here for the last 42 hours or so and will be this cold another 24 or so...glad I did the work to the greenhouse to get prepared for it...
Josh said:
They look great Guru. I don't know if this makes sense, but to me they look relaxed. As if they are getting the right amount of water, sun, etc. and are comfortable in their growing environment. Keep it up.

Joshua san take much notice of happines in plant. :high:

I am one with the plants Josh...one.
Mine has started to get going. Its still a bit sus though.

I got a few seeds from HSCo and planted one. 6 days seed to weed!

Its now outside getting all the Aussie Autumn sun it can get.

Will be interested to see if it catches the dodgy seed one.



Forgot to add. These plants under lights are like people on steroids. They look good for a while but end up all saggy and washed up before there prime.

tony05 said:
Mine has started to get going. Its still a bit sus though.

I got a few seeds from HSCo and planted one. 6 days seed to weed!

Its now outside getting all the Aussie Autumn sun it can get.

Will be interested to see if it catches the dodgy seed one.



Forgot to add. These plants under lights are like people on steroids. They look good for a while but end up all saggy and washed up before there prime.


There is no man made light that can compare to our nearest star. Sorry indoor dudes...:cool:
I am just indoor while it is still cold outside. I was ecstatic on monday when I was able to put them out for a couple days and now its freezing again.