Fatalii smackdown

I haven't tried it yet Pepper-Guru but an endorsement from you gets my vote. It has been a long time since Budweiser actually came out with a new beer that's was good so we'll see. I think we need to have a party where everyone puts a slice of Fatalli in their beer instead of a lime. Finish the Fatalli and the beer before you get another one. Any Fatalli is better than no Fatalli at all.
Pepper-Guru said:
Damn fine plants guys, damn fine. Anyone like the new American Ale from Budweiser? Im a Sam/New Castle/Sweetwater kindof guy, but this stuff is great.:drunk:

I'm all over the American Ale - by far the best stuff Bud has ever made. But they need to price it around $4.99 for a sixer or I'll just buy Sam Adams or Mendocino Red Tale ale. But I think even Billyidle from Norway would be impressed with the new Bud. My feeling is, that for the same price, I would rather support the smaller brewers. Great pics Petey, Potawie and Cappy - those Fataliis are monsters. My last Fatalii is finally starting to go but I still have more coming with the obviously genetically superior Cappy seeds. :lol: Nice job all, it's going to be a fun summer!
Be jealous, be very jealous. My tiny fatalii


This is my chocolate fatalii


sorry for the crap pictures
Do you need some seeds or something Chicagofire? If so, I could shoot you some. If not, then why don't you germ them now? It is still VERY EARLY and your plants could very well surpass everything else in this forum within 2-3 months, growing skill and choice of food permitting.:)
bigt said:
But I think even Billyidle from Norway would be impressed with the new Bud.

I don't know about that ;)
But as it seems now, I'll be heading for Vegas next year for a week of poker and beer. I'll have to keep a note about that one, and I'll keep you posted :lol:
Pepper-Guru said:
Damn fine plants guys, damn fine. Anyone like the new American Ale from Budweiser? Im a Sam/New Castle/Sweetwater kindof guy, but this stuff is great.:drunk:

Agreed. I like it better that Sam Adams and the lot. But Maudite will always be my favorite. That stuff brings out your inner devil!
Its on again as of today! Checked the seeds in the baggie, and I can see just the tiniest of white roots starting to poke out of one of the seeds. Into the rockwool it went and under the lights for warmth.

It'll be in the dutch bucket system under that 400W hps in no time!
At least mine looks like a birdy... kinda

Here is my Fatalii planted on the 13th. Anyone got a smaller one?


Thats a four inch pot :P I still haven't fed it anything except superthrive, water, 24 hours of around 500 lumens and some dirt.
Nova, do you think you got time for it to keep on keepin on?

good lookin' plant Noah...and agree on the "nice thick stem"...

I transplanted all of my fataliis to larger containers yesterday evening...30 in all...PRF and I are doing a little comparison ourselves...I have planted one plant each of chocolate, red, and regular fataliis into 1, 1.25, 5, and 7 gallon containers....

They are in their new homes....when I look a little to the right out the back door, these are the first plants I see...they are in full sunshine and it will get HOT there this summer..

Comparison Fataliis - I broke the top out of the one in the 7 gallon container...probably 2 inches of stem, growth tip, and bunch of leaves...hope this will make it bush and bear lots of fruit...


Choclate Fataliis - these are by far the fastest growing fatalii I have...


Red Fataliis - not far behind the chocolate as far as growth goes...


picture of all the regular fataliis for the comparison...

Nice! Really like that last pic. Still a little cold this morning but it is warming up quickly. Outside turning compost dirt my Fatalli will get moved today or tomorrow. Warming trend coming next ten days.
I was laying out in the sun with the wife and the plants for the last three plus hours, everyone seemed to love it. AJ, looks like you are going to have a hedge of fatalii to deal with this year, good luck picking all those pods. Seems like they will be easier to tend to since they are higher up and that requires less bending over from you.