Fatalii smackdown

Tell me about it. Temps have dropped a bit here in Atlanta as well. But I love the cool nights. As long as the greenhouse temps are above 60F at night then all is well on the Guru front.:D
As I recall, my 1st Fataliis took about 5 days to germinate in rockwool....that was the highlight. Only 1 of 6 left. More coming though. :-)
This is my favorite pepper plant out of all that I am growing. It looks so friggin' cool...almost deadly looking. :hell:

I'm still in the game...


very nice Fatalii Petey...looks like it is very healthy and sturdy...
Nice pics everyone.
I've got two fatalii plants growing well, although my biggest one had a minor aphid issue as well as probably a bit of magnesium deficiency. The second biggest is looking really healthy and is loving the greenhouse.

Fatalii#1 Was sick, but recovering nice


Fatalii#2 looking great and catching up to #1

2 months and 3 days from seed and I have them outside again today in 75F weather. I am surprised they grew this large in such small containers. Everybody's plants look great keep it up spring is almost here. I am using 5 gallons everytime I water my cups inside. If you look closely you can see Pepper-Guru peeking out from behind my Fatalli.

PRF you truly are a pepper growing stud! PeteyP that Fatalii of yours looks like art. I could spend all day just gazing at the pics around here. Thanks to everyone for posting them.:)