Fatalii smackdown

just right where they are...they have not been in contact with the other plants for several weeks now
AlabamaJack said:
just right where they are...they have not been in contact with the other plants for several weeks now
I don't know what's the exact problem, but I do know some forms of bacteria are airborne. be careful.
It almost looks like a sun scald from like the water being on the plant and then sun coming out and the plant is still wet and burning thru the water Othert than that they look pretty good with the new growth coming on.
I put all of my biggest pepper plants on my deck today to soak up some warm NJ weather. No direct sun, but it's still warm out here. 69 degrees by my Weatherbug. i'll probably bring em in in a bit, but this was basically a little pepper day outside. All 3 of my competition fataliis were out though.

I'm having a hell of time finding pots the right size...cheap. Any ideas guys? I'm stumped.
fineexampl said:
I put all of my biggest pepper plants on my deck today to soak up some warm NJ weather. No direct sun, but it's still warm out here. 69 degrees by my Weatherbug. i'll probably bring em in in a bit, but this was basically a little pepper day outside. All 3 of my competition fataliis were out though.

I'm having a hell of time finding pots the right size...cheap. Any ideas guys? I'm stumped.

my grandma used to use buckets with holes n the bottem, for her big plants...
Minion §1 said:
my grandma used to use buckets with holes n the bottem, for her big plants...
I'm considering Home Depot's big orange spackle buckets and just staple black paper on the sides, but they're $3.50 a bucket. I have other ideas though, and i can't pot the stay-home plants until the Mexicans finish the siding and gutters on my apartment anyway.

Did i mention i will do most of my gardening at my future in-laws yard? I got permission to dig up the whole back corner of their yard. Game ***king on gentleman!:hell:
AlabamaJack said:
Comparison Fataliis are sick...I don't know whether they are sun scalded, got a rust of some kind, a virus, or whatever, but they are not doing well...they are putting on some new growth that looks healthy so I will just see how they do...

Fatalii row...


Closer shot...


another closer shot


if anyone recognizes what is wrong with them...let me know...

Guru, I got your PM but this is the first chance I have had to take pics...

Well, the good news, is that you don't have to isolate them anymore, because that is NOT any virus, bacteria, or fungi.:)

Sunscald dude. Our closest star is a S.O.B.!
Pepper-Guru said:
Well, the good news, is that you don't have to isolate them anymore, because that is NOT any virus, bacteria, or fungi.:)

Sunscald dude. Our closest star is a S.O.B.!

Seconded. That's definitely sunscald AJ, and I believe they'll grow out of it. Beautiful plants all the same. These fatalis seem to be picky. Mine are still just babies with a few sets of leaves, but they're grwoing slower than any other variety I've planted. Jealous of your TX sunshine man. Can't be sure of no frost here until mid May. I may go into the ground a little earlier though. I've got bedsheets, and I'm not afraid to cover my plants with them!
All I'm saying is some virus may cause burn-like marks and even some bacteria might have that as early symptoms... you could never know and better safe than sorry. When I'm not sure, I isolate. learned that the hard way...
Cool on the sunscald...I was hoping it was that. Where they are is their new home anyway and they will be away from the other plants anyway...well at least 30 feet...I got severe sunscald last year on about 40 superhots where the whole leaf turned golden, then brown and fell off...this doesn't seem so severe and like I show in the pics, they are putting on tons of new growth...
AlabamaJack said:
Cool on the sunscald...I was hoping it was that. Where they are is their new home anyway and they will be away from the other plants anyway...well at least 30 feet...I got severe sunscald last year on about 40 superhots where the whole leaf turned golden, then brown and fell off...this doesn't seem so severe and like I show in the pics, they are putting on tons of new growth...

Mine look very similar AJ, - but smaller. :oops: (not just Fatalii) Anyway, I brought them back in the garage. We've had some awfully strong bright sunshine here the last few days and I guess they just couldn't take it. BTW Lee, your Fatalii is sick in a different way. Man, those leaves are just huge. Very impressive. Cappy wasn't kidding about the redwood trunk either.
Guarantee it's sunscald as many said here AJ. THey'll be fine. I had exactly your fears last year. :) I was educated by several horticultural experts of the true issue after sending photos of my plants. Good news for you!!
Gorgeous plant Billy. Very thick and healthy looking. Great color. When do you guys plant out up there on the arctic fringe?
About never, I would say. :lol:

The daytime temp seldomly rises above 70˚F during summer (in the shade of course), but on occations the temp might become as low as 40˚F in the daytime :(