stickman said:
Nice to see the brown Barrackpore x 7 cross made it through surgery. It looks like you'll need to stake it for support though. All looking great Jay! Will you be planting the last of your babies outside this weekend?
Thanks for stopping in Rick. Im stoked that choc barrackpore is making it. It's getting bigger every day. It's brother is going off on the driveway right now too! Both were under the knife, coming up like green q-tips. Hope the little guy will size ip and hold his own!
I only planted a few mystery peppers into some pots over the weekend. Focus was on the other veggies. Got corn, green beans, pumpkins, squash, zucchini, cantaloupes, a few onions, okra, and tomatoes all planted. I have volunteer cucumbers, so didn't plant any of the starts. Had to clean up my raised beds. Added a few bags of some pine bark mulch mixed in to help loosen the soil and some composted cow manure too. Everything should be happy. Along with breaking and fixing the outside spicket too

i stayed pretty busy.
I almost forgot... i also dug up a five gallon bucket full of worm castings from the bottom of the driveway to have on hand. There is seriously a pile eight to ten foot wide, and about six foot tall with ivy growing thru it. Some of the fattest worms i have ever seen in there too. The pile continues to grow yearly!
I still have 10 or 11 more mystery plant to pot up along with four outside. And a grip of sweets/milds to plant in the garden and a few in pots. Still a good bit to do. I think im already over the 200 mark without the one left to do.
WalkGood said:
Looking great, love the picture quality ... nice job & have a great memorial day!!!
Thanks Ramon. Hope yours was well!
Devv said:
Glad to hear the drowned babies are doing better, I knew they would. Heck of a lot better than drying out!
Plant pics look great, can't wait to see more
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Scott! Plants are in full gear right now. Every plant in the garden is showing new growth up top and i am seeing more and more open flowers. A few pods forming too!
Pepper-Guru said:
Looking good! Represent the GA boys!
Thanks guru!
You know how we do it!
DocNrock said:
Loving the update, Jason. Glad to see the White 7 is pulling through!
Thank you Brent! That white 7 is a trip. Im wondering if it will ever grow out normal or stay all light yellow green forever. Hope it pods up. I did see a pod on a WDT tonite. The lone Jamison (thanks Jamison!) seed plant has its first!

Thank you Brent!
stc3248 said:
Little ones looking great! You're in for a HOT season!
Thanks Shane! That is the plan!