Gävle Chili-Farm 2008

Those are some really nice looking plants nice and green. Very nice plants, now I am super jealous I have no pods yet on all of my 60 plants
Very nice plants only think try to give a space to plants so they can grow without touching each other also if they are to close bees will cross polinate try to avoid that so you have pure species.
Really nice plants there uUu and great to see the lights that your using..plants still looking nice and green to which is always a sign your doing well..Best Of luck :)
Cooking with chillies!

Thanx everybody for commenting!

I have done some cooking lately ;)

I usually just give my sauces to friends and family. But one can escaped to my cousines job and his work-friends got hold of it. They loved it! I was very happy to hear that and today ive made a big jar for the guys at his job. I have even put a label on the jar this time. The jar i posing in my hydro. Where else? :D


In this sauce i use the following ingridients:

Tomato, Cayenne, Thai, Pirri-Pirri, Onion, Garlic, Carrot, Oregano, Basil, Salt, Brown Sugar, White Vinagre, Red Raspberry Vinagre, Fresh Lemon & Lime.

I dont even want to think about if anyone wants to buy the sauce. Id have to charge $15 just to break even on a jar of that size.
After spending to much time @ THP i just had to get me some grilled chili :hell:


I cut the chillies and drench them in olive oil and sea salt. At this picture its a thick layer of chili, so it took almost 30 minutes @ 225 degrees.

I eat white bread, sourcreme and some greek feta with it.

Problaby my favourite chili dish!
talas said:
Sounds like a Fine Chilihead meal there uUu,You've got to Love the feta :)

Yeah, but you have to know what you are doing when you are about to get your Feta. There is so much crappy Feta in stores. I guess its extra hard to get good Feta in Sweden, because everything always have to be environmental, extremely helathy, ecologically grown, locally grown, etc. (all these things are great things, but its starting to get exaggerated). Now you even cant buy a burger-meal without reading in the menu how much Co2 has been polluting the earth. Big Mac menu, 3,4 kg CO2. Feel hungry? :rolleyes:

I usually buy this one from Dodoni.

uUu said:
Yeah, but you have to know what you are doing when you are about to get your Feta. There is so much crappy Feta in stores. I guess its extra hard to get good Feta in Sweden, because everything always have to be environmental, extremely helathy, ecologically grown, locally grown, etc. (all these things are great things, but its starting to get exaggerated). Now you even cant buy a burger-meal without reading in the menu how much Co2 has been polluting the earth. Big Mac menu, 3,4 kg CO2. Feel hungry? :rolleyes:

I usually buy this one from Dodoni.


I didnt realize things where so stringent..food wise in Sweden,I suppose as ever there are those who have gone to far with..enviromental/health issues :)
I needed a heater today,,, so i bought one. Cleaning and feeding was made while installing it.


They love food:


And dont forget the vitamins!

ABurningMouth said:
Nice roots and heeter.
Is this just a decoration
or is it one of your lighting sources?

That one is just for decoration, but i do have one LED-light source with 350 LED´s that I use.