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Getting Fit!

Voodoo 6 said:
Unfortunately its severe stenosis, confirmed with the MRI. The medical term is Cauda Equina:
The sad thing is, I told the docs what is was two years ago. I don't really care at this point what they do. Been in pain so long I don't even remember what happiness feels like. Guess its better than cancer though, so that is a good thing.
Well, i still think the MSM stuff could ease the pains creating by your condition and i know how severe back and joint pain can become.. Try it out, it is not like you have anything to lose and the only way is up from there. I dont want to see you or everyone else to suffer, if i can do something about it. :thumbsup:
And try doing some of this:
I think this one was the key for helping me getting rid of most of my back pains combined with the kettlebell training.
Voodoo 6 said:
Unfortunately its severe stenosis, confirmed with the MRI. The medical term is Cauda Equina:
The sad thing is, I told the docs what is was two years ago. I don't really care at this point what they do. Been in pain so long I don't even remember what happiness feels like. Guess its better than cancer though, so that is a good thing.
Damn sorry to hear about the pain that is no fun [emoji20]

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I am with the VA, so that means we will get back to you when you are dead. The flag salute is going to be awesome though. I have no worries. Keep on trucking.
I know what you’re saying my brother is a veteran the things he tells me piss me the f$&@ off

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Voodoo 6 said:
I am with the VA, so that means we will get back to you when you are dead. The flag salute is going to be awesome though. I have no worries. Keep on trucking.
You aint going to die just yet, but in the meantime try adding some lighter kettlebell training to your arsenal two times a week. It will get you fit very fast and make those support muscles stronger.
Voodoo 6 said:
cant argue with that logic. i will try it
And the only ab training i do is the ab wheel thing once a week. Kettlebell training will mold your support muscles to steel like structure. Buy pair of 16kg kettlebells, one 20kg one and maybe one 24kg one for starters and dont need much space either to train with them.
If you need any pointers what moves and when to do them in that two times a week training, i am more than happy to give that info to you.
Voodoo6, you look pretty similar to this very strong kettlebell man:
Perhaps this man is your long lost big brother or something and that 48kg kettlebell is super heavy to train with. Only those that are very strong can swing that thing around like it is made from air.
Watch out Voodoo 6, you might just get too strong swinging those kettlebells around and also get butthurt.
You know what my problem is, i need to get a triathlon bike, and rock out the miles. still losing weight, lost my faith in medicine and holistic therapies. I just have to dig deep and pedal. I think bruce lee said it once, that the only help is self help.
Voodoo 6 said:
You know what my problem is, i need to get a triathlon bike, and rock out the miles. still losing weight, lost my faith in medicine and holistic therapies. I just have to dig deep and pedal. I think bruce lee said it once, that the only help is self help.
That and you might have not trained much with kettlebells in the past. Trust me, you will get fit very fast with some kettlebell training combined with the cycling you do. But dont overdo any of that training, you also need rest days between all that training. :thumbsup:
Voodoo 6 said:
oh rest assured, i will over do it lol. Already past the point of pain, so might as well dig an early grave.
I did the same thing in the past, but learned to moderate my training to a level that my body could recover in time for the next session. Overtraining is actually very bad for your body's normal functions and you will not get fit doing that same mistake over and over again.
You may want to read this article about kettlebell training:
I couldn't get laid in a free bordello, so the only thing left is to train on the bike. I have been training on a mountain bike for the past year, and passing the racers. I think it is time to get a proper bike, and just rock it.
Voodoo 6 said:
I couldn't get laid in a free bordello, so the only thing left is to train on the bike.
Good thing is that i am the same as you then or maybe i have just no clue how to be with women, but i am happy just the way i am right now anyway doing the things i do. :rofl:
Voodoo 6 said:
if you ever find a way to be with women, write a book, I will read it over and over.
I think the best woman for you would be the one with the same interests, so you enjoy doing the same thing together. But finding this particular woman is the tricky part.