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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Greetings to all! It is just before 5:30am and around 30F. I've gotten a lot accomplished but still have more to do. I might get it done if I am caffiene fueled.
Another hot night.....no winter so far

Morning all
Used to live on Daffodil St in McAllen as a small child. We had a Piquine bush in the back yard that was at tall as the house! I remember it was big news when we would get a frost! You could smell the kerosene burning in the orchards. Do you still get the "black rain" when they're burning the sugar cane? I remember ashes falling like snow or is it not pc to burn the cane anymore???

Morning all
Just found this thread. Good morning to all. After 20+ years active duty Army getting up at 5:00 is actually sleeping in. Hope everyone has a blessed day!

well come on in RM...glad you found us...
Good Morning Everyone! I got grumpy this morning when I realized that Scovie & I are going to be storm racing all day. Lots to do, in a very short time before the next big snow dump arrives. But then I remembered all the happy people on this thread so dropped in...

...all better now!!! :) Have a Terrific Tuesday!!!!!!!!
The only place they still grow cane is right on Military road, but they still burn it. Most of the orchards are now gone too. McAllen has really grown in the 10 years I have been here.

Still hot this morning and windy.

Have a great day people.
Just had to get up and have my midnight pregger snack PB&J x2 and a big ol' glass of milk... back to bed but good morning east coasters. Good night from this westie.
good morning yall ,have to go get a ful pallet of concrete,thats 48,,80 pound bags. sure hope the wife can carry it all,hehe
'Mornin' Everyone! Today's grout day....! WooHoo! Last day of this huge job...and I intend on celebrating that fact a little later! ;)

Have a Great Day!!!
We'll be thinking about you Geeme! You'll be fine, but let us know for sure when it's done ok?

And you get better too stc3248.

Good morning everyone, I'm ready to kick this day in the danglies!