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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Today the sun will make a partial appearance, the temps will be in the high 60's..good day to do some work in the garden. :P 
Good morning everyone. Nice to see the sun this AM since it rained all day yesterday. Yes, wiri - it'll be a good day to work in the garden! I love your breakfast picture.

Son and girlfriend visited yesterday so they took lots of peppers and tomato plants. The herd is slowly dwindling.

Enjoy your Sunday and share your great ideas like Sic did with his new dessert. Make sure the jam is hot!
Good morning all :)
been a little while since ive had an early morning but we've been busy and that's a good thing  :dance:
Currently all our hosts are booked solid through this long weekend, then it will slow down again until around independence day 

This is Miss Alice, an 18+ year old DSH that is really affectionate around men, but shy around women, and scared around dogs. She's a sweetie though, got the cutest soft voice and a really low purr, she's just wants a guy around that she can nap next to :)
she has no interest in the Bunny, or the plants yay  :dance:  :dance:
Predicted high of 70F / 21C today, lookin like its going to be a nice sunny day 
hoping to get some more time in the garden this afternoon, maybe even grill some burgers  for lunch :D
hope you all have a wonderful day!
S.M.I.L.E. and be excellent to each other

Good morning all :)
had a nice sunny afternoon yesterday, got some yardwork done, and a little more prep work in the pepper garden, then a brief downpour last night.
Supposed to be partly sunny today, overcast and cloudy at the moment. Hopefully it wont be to soggy out there by this afternoon when i get another chance to do more planting.
Sic, your motivation and endurance always amazes me  :clap:   You travel further on your bike each day than I will for the entire year  :lol:
Hope you all have a wonderful day  :D
be excellent to each other
Good Morning All...as we respectfully remember all the servicemen who lost their lives while serving,also today JFK would have been 100 years old.
Well,its not nice out,rain though not much will put a damper on things,60* F..will see,what to do indoors  but make some good treats.
I have a lot of Clematis  flowers on my 4 plants...my peonies are budding nicely..along with other flower plants that are rearing to go with all the rain we were/are so blessed to come our way :) ,the love of flowers comes from my mom who was an ardent gardener..so its heredity ;) & a way of honoring my mom.
Thanks for the kind comment Catherine.
Have a reflective & safe day & as always be safe especially if driving as many people will be heading home today. :P
Good morning friends. Have a great day. Enjoy the day and be safe.

Sicman, your a great inspiration to us all. You guys look great. Keep up what your doing.

wiriwiri said:
Good Morning All...have a great weekend ..hope you can slip in some R& R between your weekend chores along with some great eats.
Hope Chuck has some time off..he has been so busy  recently. :P
Thanks you Sandy. I've been beat up. Shoulder, knees and back. My list of things to do is so long.
Seems like I never get caught up. LOL! Just been lounging around the past few days. That's not like me at all.

Hope you have a great day. Thank you for your thoughts.
Good morning everyone. Between a few quick showers, I got the new guy mostly planted. I hope to help him finish today and maybe get my tomatoes all planted. Peppers maybe this weekend. People asked if they could help plant, but I guess I'm OCD on this.

Wiri - my mother was also an ardent flower gardener, and my dad did the vegetables, so the genetics reined on me. Nice to know that your mother loved flowers as much as you do.

Enjoy this beautiful day and share your talents. I wish I had more time ...
Good Morning Everyone..hope everyone had some rest...Chuck you do have a tall order of seedlings to put in their respective place..its a chore..main reason I did cut back this year on my grow list...however once you get them in place I hope the going is good and easier on your body.
Flowers do make the place look so much more prettier...thanks Catherine..and to boot as perennials, they come back each year & require little maintenance.
Well its back to work...have a safe day..I'm still looking for the sun ;) ...today overcast all day to 63*F but look no rain. :P