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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

 Morning Everyone...weather unchanged...thank goodness I don't have to go to work today..I barely slept as all I was/am  thinking about is
the NYY rookie who had a MAJOR injury last night..ruptured  patella (knee) tendon  shortly after the game started in Chicago,he hit
 some stupid ,UNPROTECTED electrical box in the outfield .. going after a foul ball& had to be carted off  the field to surgery immediately..they ought to offer better protection..damm.  His season just ended  before it even really  started..
Made me so sad..who knows what will happen to his career,he was so excited to be called up,only 22yrs old...first game  first inning..
Its a long recovery , rehab like 6 to 8 months..who knows what's to come & his parents were on their way to Texas to watch him play, after last night's game.  Life can be cruel sometimes..I know that..
Dustin you're in my thoughts & prayers . :tear:
Good Morning everyone. Wiri - so sad to hear about the NYY rookie who had his career swept from under him, for the time being. He has a long road ahead of him with rehab. Keep us informed if you hear about his progress.

We had a very welcome rain at midnight, but east of us had the storm with hail. I guess the 'June hail' wasn't meant for us this time. Lots more bindweed to pull and plants to put up. It never ends until the freeze. Maybe I'll make some strawberry rhubarb jam today. Fresh fruit season is starting to appear.

Be good to yourself today, stay safe, and do a good deed for someone else. Today will be a great end to June.
Thanks Catherine for  caring...Dustin had a successful surgery & now the long road ahead to rehab..The pluses here is that he belongs to a fantastic organization that will do their utmost to help him..he will have the finest care available..the NYY have lots of resources..no question about that..not something most of us can say :P
Here in his own words is what he told the Post.
Earlier Friday, Fowler told the New York Post that the injury will simply make his first at-bat that much more special.

"This is a journey I've gone through my whole life," Fowler told the Post. "Now I've got to work that much harder to get there. Maybe it will be a little more special this go-round."

"I'm glad I was there for one day," Fowler told the Post. "But I'm pretty bummed out I am not going to be there for the rest of the year."

Girardi said that Fowler would be leaving the hospital on Friday. His family, which had booked flights to watch Fowler play in Houston this weekend, instead hopped in their car at 1:30 a.m. in Georgia to be with him in Chicago.

Fowler will be with the Yankees in New York when the team returns next Monday.

"There is still substantial rehab ahead of him," Girardi said.
He's only 22 yrs old,but one would think he's a lot older,a forward thinking young man...I like him even more now..so upbeat & positive.Its not always about winning,its how you play the game..now who said that..so true.I will send him a card & a momento..& watch for him on monday  somewhere in Yankee stadium.

Also wanted to add my condolences!   Thanks Cath. ;)..you're always are so supportive...Enjoy the rest of the w/e.
Oh ..forgot "Good Afternoon Everyone" :rofl:
Today should be great. A buddy has his daughter visiting from college in TN. She is on the cycling team so Sonya, I and them are going on a beautiful ride through lots of country farming roads. Tomorrow one of my longest friends and his family are stoping for breakfast on there way to Clearwater, pretty stoked. His kids are monsters so all bikes are going to be moved into back bedroom from our bike room which is our front room you walk into from outside,lol. Have a great day and keep yo heads up and walk gently. Good morning friends.
Good morning everyone. Wiri - what a nice picture of Dustin for you to share. He does look older, but has that great attitude most people his age lack. I'm sure he appreciates your support and will remember how you showed you cared when he's feeling 100%. "My first hit's for you!" he says.

Another 90 degree day and the garden loves it for the most part. I did make Berry Rhubarb jam yesterday with no hot peppers this time. I have so much rhubarb cut already it's time for the regular strawberry. Gotta get them while they're on sale!

Enjoy your beautiful day and share your memories. Stay safe.