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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning everyone. Monday Blues are over, now on to August . Thanks for the thoughts, Chuck. She was one beautiful lady.

Peaches. If I'd seen those trucks dumping peaches on to a field, I'd probably cry! I bet you could buy boxes of them right from the grower for MUCH cheaper than I have to pay. The ones at the store are hard and flavorless, so I'll pay the extra. Really - making jam is pretty easy and you don't need a canner - just keep the jam in the fridge for up to ~6 months. Yesterday I made Raspberry-Peach with superhots. Today maybe Peach-Ginger.

Enjoy this beautiful day and share your bounty. And S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning everyone.

Ah, Tuesday. I'm going to forget Monday ever happened and make this a 4 day week.

Have a great day!

Jane, I have a pressure canner. I do a lot of canning. Well, I use to. Its been it and miss with the jams and jelly. Sometimes they come out nice and firm and other times I have thick syrup. I'll try again soon. I love fresh preserves.
Good morning all :)
another sunny day, supposed to get up to 85F/ 29C this afternoon 
Speaking of preserves...
I need to figure out what all i'm going to enter in the state fair this year for Jams and Jellies 
Fingers crossed for another blue ribbon :D
 I Havent had a chance to get out into the garden yet this morning, but i'm sure there's more flowers and probably even a few new pods that i missed last night while watering.
 Trying to decide if i should start some lettuce for us and the bunny :) in the Aerogarden, or use it for cloning a couple of my peppers. It currently has a sprawling Amish Bush pepper plant loaded with tiny peppers living in it, probably gonna bonchi that one.
and have a terrific Tuesday 
Good morning.

GIP, looks like your going to be busy. Good luck on the preserves. I think you won a couple categories last year, if I remember right?

Sic, have a good time out there. Be safe in your travels.

Jane, keep your head up and remember the good times. Be safe out there. City drivers are insane.

Off to work. The temps as Jane said, are dropping at night. Maybe I'll get some flower production.
Good morning all :)
storm last night and still raining a bit this morning, so everything is a bit wet and no morning pics today.
but the garden is doing pretty good, noticing more new pepper pods every day :dance:
Thanks Chuck, yep, I got two 2nd place awards for preserves last year @ State Fair, and a 1st, 2nd, and a 4th, in 2015
I really enjoy preserving the fruits of summer and being able to enjoy them all year and share gifts from my garden :)
need to get the yard mowed, but the rain :mope:
 just checked the weather, it's only supposed to get up to 56f/13c today ?!
well, my stomach says it's time for breakfast :) Oatmeal with brown sugar mmmmmm
S.M.I.L.E. :D
and have a wonderful day 
Good morning all, thought i'd stop in before i forget.
Been busy this morning picking up and dropping off dogs with the Wife (we really need to get another part time driver that does mornings :rolleyes: )
 Anyway the weather is much better today, and should be able to get around to mowing later.  It's currently 63F/17C supposed to get up to 76F/24C this afternoon.
(nice day for yardwork)
hopefully i'll find even more ripe pepper pods when i'm out in the garden this afternoon  :party:
still haven't had breakfast yet this morning, thinkin bout fryin up some eggs :drooling:  nom nom nom 
hope everyone has a wonderful day
be excellent to each other 