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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post


mornin all  :)
cloudy and 80f here this morning, high of 90 this afternoon
hope to get a chance to do some more gardening later today
have a wonderful day, and remember to S.M.I.L.E.  :D
Good morning everyone. Time for a quick breakfast and then off to an appointment. Supposed to be 97*F, better than mpicantes hot temps, but still too hot for me. Glad to see the Thai boys are almost all rescued, thanks to a tremendous effort by so many people.

Enjoy your day. Stay hydrated.
Just heard - the Thai boys and their coach are all rescued!
This little guy, the runt, or perhaps they're natural dwarfs ? 
Every year there is at least 1 that stay small and hide in our garden 
Wife thinks they are adorable and talks to them like they are her pet  :rolleyes:    so, i guess we got wild pet bunnies   :cool:
The Daylilies are loving this heat 
The peppers all 127 :crazy:    are in their final location for the year, taking off in growth finally, and lots of flowers, so hopefully lots of pods.
I'm not seeing a lot of flower drop, thats good.
gotta water them daily in this heat though  :neutral:
supposed to get up to 89f  its 76f and humidity is at 70% right now, so its not bad in the garden now but will be this afternoon 
stay hydrated everybody 
hope you all have a wonderful day 
S.M.I.L.E. :D
Good late morning, everyone. I got up very early to water, fertilize, and weed in the community garden because it is going to be close to 100* again. Maybe this weekend it will cool down. I hear lots of predictions about cooler, wet weather. Somehow the rain goes elsewhere.
Keep cool and hydrated. The plants wish they were cooler, so many have dropped their blossoms even though most are shaded.
Send the rain gods to Colorado for a week or so to help with all of the wildfires and heat. A few years back we had heavy tree kill from the bugs, so I guess Mother Nature is finishing off the trees with the fires.
Enjoy the day.

good mornin all  :)
was a hot one yesterday afternoon, then it rained hard through the night.
supposed to get more rain here this afternoon, but the rest of the weekend should be nice.
getting the wife packed up for her trip this morning to visit her best friend out of town           house to myself for 4 days  :party:      :lol:   :rolleyes:
I'll be busy tryin to keep up with all that she does around here.  Hope they have fun and enjoy catching up.
got more daylily pics but i'm having trouble remembering which plants i havent shared already.


this, one of our many spider type daylilies has HUGE blooms, like the size of your head  :!:
Can see them dancing in the wind above the grass in the naturalized area in the back when i look out the kitchen window  :)
hope everyone has a fantastic Friday, and a wonderful weekend
S.M.I.L.E. :D and be excellent to each other 
Such beautiful flowers, GIP!
Good late morning. The predicted rain went to GIP instead, so we're dry, dry, dry. Guess the good thing is that the bugs are fewer at the moment. Only the grasshoppers dare show their faces.
Friday, the 13th. Hope your day is going well. Picked my first dozen+ beets and gave them to a stranger. Time to thin more when it's cooler.
Have a great weekend.