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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. The weather looks promising for the week ahead, warmer and sunny. I still have perennials to deadhead and more cleanup around the garden. In the stores I’ve noticed the “one purchase only” of several products, but the shelves seem to be fuller than when this pandemic started. Canning jars are coming back, though no lids are available. Still on the lookout for lids . . .

I hope you all have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and remember those less fortunate.
Rember those less fortunate for sure. We pass our neighbours up to worry about other countries when we have starving and addicted mental paitents on drugs being abused every day by predators and we ignore. Disgusting and sad! Bike ride this morning then wife is cooking a turkey. I need to run up to the shop real quick this afternoon to look at a new pair of bibs. Have a great day be awesome,kind and good. Good morning.
Good morning.  It's 36 on its way to 60.  Totally slammed work schedule today. Finally got the garlic mulched.  Still can't find canning lids around here .... nor do I want to pay a a fortune for them online.  I don't understand a lot of stuff that's going on these days.  Not sure what my wife has scheduled for today.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Yesterday we emptied 63 bags of leaves into the 2 leaf bins at the CG, hopefully to finish what’s there this AM. In another week we might have more donations of leaves, so it’s best to get these done today. I found some smaller garlic cloves leftover from last month’s planting, not intending to save them, but . . . with our warmer weather the ground may be OK to put these somewhere on the edge. More garlic.

Thanks to the sales at the grocery stores, we can help fill the food banks, at least for the holidays. I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay safe and healthy, wear those masks.
small job this morning then, not sure? Turkey turned out great we will be eating that for a few days. Its 51 this morning that is cold for us I promise. need to pick and ship the last of my peppers first thing this morning when it gets light. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 46 on its way to 66 and very windy.  Busy office work schedule today.  Six meetings today.  Sic .... We had turkey and noodles over mashed potatoes last night.  Not sure what my wife has going on.  I think I heard her mention that she's watching the grandson for a few hours this morning. Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. We had record-tie for 76*F yesterday, and same for today. I planted the “runt of the garlic” cloves, about 30, so if they produce I can give them to my Korean buddy. Not much planned except outside clean up.

I hope your day goes well. Remember those less fortunate, and stay healthy.
Good morning.  It's 58 on its way to 74 and still extremely windy.  Looks like much cooler temperatures and rain this weekend.  Another busy office schedule but today is my Friday!  My company is now trying to convince me to stay working full time until the end of Q1. I'm not sure that the pros outweigh the cons  :neutral: .  My wife is going to visit her Mom in the assisted living today.  I don't know what else is going on.  I think we're going to make a Costco run tomorrow.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. We did a bunch of cleanup yesterday, with colder normal temps in the next week. A garden friend sent me a pic of Nov. 26 last year when we got 18” of snow. That would be nice this weekend. We bought a 21lb. frozen turkey to cook next month, the fresh one’s being delivered on Saturday. I’m planning on lots of soup .

Have a wonderful and productive day. Stay well and wear those masks
Good morning.  It's 54 on its way to 63.  Significant WX changes are coming our way with rain and much cooler temperatures starting tomorrow.  It's supposed to be my day off but I'll do some home office work this morning and have to go into the "real" office this afternoon.  Not sure what we've got going on for the weekend.  I think we've got a Costco run in the plans.  Grilling and beverages this evening.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Sic - most of my days without garden chores are like yours yesterday. Nothing planned gets done. One of these days I’ll get the freezer organized so I know what’s there. Good project for a snowy day. We made an early run to Sam’s Club for a few groceries so we should be set for the week.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe and wear those masks.
Well yesterday was way better. Got two small jobs done and a few chores around the property. Not sure exactly what is going on today. Coffee with honey and a turkey sandwich first.  Going to make sure we have a great day whatever happens. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 44 and overcast on its way to 49 with rain this afternoon.  Not sure what we've going on today.  A buddy sent me a box pods that I need to process sometime today.  We need to make a Costco and liquor store run.  Not sure if we'll do that today or tomorrow.  I'll probably watch some futbol/football today.  There's always firewood wood to split outside.  Grilling and beverages this evening.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning early risers. It 54 here in Louisiana on its way to a partly cloudy 77. Garden work today. Lots of volunteers and weeds to pull. Starting our clearing process so we can mulch in a back to eden fashon. A layer of leaves to create a leaf mold layer and arbor Chip on top. The breakdown of the leaves and the organic matter over the winter time feeds my soil so that the only amendment needed come spring is a little bit of compost. Have a great day.
Good morning. Sunny, dry, and 30*F right now, a typical Fall day. We had lots of errands yesterday with a quiet day planned for today. Our plans for the mountains have been put on hold for now with hope of seeing the family in another month. Hubby has YouTube recordings all AM for church, I have Netflix plans. Peppersproutfarm - what grows well in your garden?

I hope your day goes well, take time for yourself and others. Stay healthy and safe.