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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It sounds like everyone had a great day and are ready to relax. Coffee group with the oldies to catch up on their holiday. One of them had 28 family members over for the day. Not much planned though maybe a trip to Home Depot this afternoon.
Have a great Monday, relax, and get ready for New Year’s Eve.
We didnt work yesterday so have to go to trailer park and uncle Bens. We are starting to warm up will be 80 monday. Its still below freezing at the moment. Talked to my sister in Watertown NY. She spent the last couple days sick with no heat as her gas furnance was broke. I bet shes real cold! Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's sunny and 18F, on its way to 42F. Chilly, but still a nice day. Have a few errands today. Found out Prime Video is dropping the Dexter series Saturday. We still have 2 1/2 years to watch yet. Guess we're gonna earn our binge badges, lol. You other streamers might want to see what you're losing at year's end. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there.
Good morning. It's 15 on its way to 37. It should be a nice day with a warmer week on the way. Our snow should start melting today too. This was the first year in about 10 that we had a white Christmas. Sic .... Watertown, NY: Many cold memories up there. Talked to friends in Rochester and they got a ton of snow over the weekend. We finished streaming Ozark and Stranger Things in the last couple of weeks and have moved on to Three Pines (yesterday). I've got some office work this morning and then will probably run some errands (maybe Costco too). I got out some burger and T-Bones from the freezer yesterday. My wife will make the decision on which I'll grill this evening. Not much else is happening. Be safe, be blessed and be good.
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Good morning. It's 40 on its way to 50. Very windy. Sic ..... I was raised in the north suburbs of Rochester, NY, 1/2 mile from Lake Ontario. We used to travel down the lake and fish from Oswego up to Watertown. Great trout and salmon fishing up there. Beautiful country but brutal winters. My folks also owned a vineyard on Canandaigua Lake. Gotta love those lake effect snows. Working in the basement for a couple of hours this morning and then who knows. Stir fry this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 20F, on its way to 50F. Warmer than we've had in a while. Saw we had a couple trees blow down in that wind the other day. Gonna have to pull out the chainsaw, I guess. Might do that today - dunno. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there.
Good morning. 29-49F, snow predicted for the mtns. Small world - my grandmother grew up in Rochester, NY and her father worked for Kodak. We have a nephew flying here from Norfolk for a weeks visit. He’s never been West, so we have a few places to show him if the weather holds out. Coffee group first, then retrieve the car when it’s done, then more food.
Have a wonderful Wednesday. Thanks for what’s happening in your part of the woods.
Good morning. It's 58 on its way to nowhere. The snow has melted. Very windy and mild. Working for bit this morning and then who knows? The grandkids will be here this afternoon and through the weekend. Pizza tonight. Catherine ..... that's interesting about Rochester. When I lived there (during the 60s and 70s), Kodak was going strong. Be safe and be good.
It's sunny and 27F, on its way to 58F. In for a warm spell the next week or so - mid 50's. Might be some rain thrown in. Not a lot planned for today. The downed trees still await, ha. Might just wing-it today. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Good Morning!
Good morning. 17-35F with 8+” of heavy snow that was supposed to stay in the mtns. Rain to ice to snow, looks like an indoor day as the snowplows are elsewhere. Luckily the nephew flew in before the snow, so he’s staying with daughter. I’m glad we did the grocery shopping yesterday.
Have a wonderful day. Stay warm and safe.
Good morning. It's 34 (1c) on its way to 48 (9c). Since we didn't have the grand kids over on Christmas .... we're having the kid's Christmas today! The kiddos got up real early to see what Santa brought them. What a haul (Thx Catherine)! Big time fun. The house is a total disaster and the kiddos are now watching the Grinch. Even Papa got a gift (fishing lures)! Probably watch some football today and grilling burgers later on. Be safe, be happy, have fun, hug a kid and be good.
Good morning. It's overcast and 34F, on it's way to a sunny and 61F. Might be a really nice afternoon. Should probably do something outside. Went down to the pole barn yesterday to start the kubota - dead battery. Waited too long between starts I guess. Had to run 150' of extension cord and hook up charger - no electricity in the pole barn. I need to buy one of those portable battery chargers. Anyway, it started right up. Hope everybody has a fantastic Friday. Be safe out there.
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