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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Cold day, though the sun’s out, -7F right now, up to 18F. Most of our activities got postponed yesterday so watched a few more chapters of the British wit and a documentary. Not sure what is planned for today, just getting out into the fresh air will be great.
Have a wonderful day. Stay warm and healthy.
Good morning. It's sunny and 55F, on its way to a balmy 77F. It's the second Spring day of 2023. Snow forecast for the weekend. Sheesh! Probably heading down to the garden and admire how much needs to be done, lol. Cable internet seems better! Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there.
Morning my social butterflies 🦋

It's Friday again! Today is a day I get to spend on and by myself. Mr. Ratat said he would do dinner and groceries. That's both a little bit scary as well as very, very sweet.

I have a tête-à-tête with my more difficult seedlings to start of my day, then I have a massage planned and after that, a trip to a small town about an hour drive from here. That'll be the most interesting part of the day. I plan on buying some potting soil there, but the best seed store in The Netherlands is also located in this town. 😁 If there's time left after this haul, I will either do some repotting or get some work done on the allotment.

But first there's coffee!

Have a lovely start of the weekend all!
Yay Friday at last - definitely a whiff of weekend.
Rain, rain, rain again - we do need it but not all at once please.
Snow forecast for Monday and Tuesday, winter is still with us.
Home this a.m., hopefully work this afternoon if the rain goes off.
Have a good Friday, keep warm, calm, healthy and smiley :D
Well a new set of wheels will be here next week and cost me a total of $300.00 plus tax including labor. Guess it could be a lot worse, I dont mind paying the labor for the tire shop but didnt want to shell out anything else. Guess the company is getting me for shipping and return of old wheels? Small job this morning, probably going to take just as long to pick everything up as the job does. Not positive what the rest of the day will bring? Talked to my mother, they will be here tuesday. Eating a backed potato with bacon and onions this morning. 67 on its way to 88. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. TGIF! It's 12F (RealFeel -2F) on its way to 32F. The prognosticators are forecasting some light wintery mix this afternoon. Indeed I hope it's light. My wife's cats have decided they'll stay indoors :shocked: . Working from the home office today. I only have 7 meetings on today's schedule and I should be done by mid afternoon. The grand-kiddos will be here after school lets out through Sunday. I'm not sure what's on this evening's menu ... I suspect my wife will pick something up on the way home from picking up the kids ..... I haven't received any grilling orders yet. Beverages and hockey tonight. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 50F, on its way to nowhere. Never got to the garden yesterday. Ended up watching the Murdaugh trial on TV. I think he's in deep sh*t, but he should feel right at home, being the turd that he is. What an awful person. Anyway, several errands to run today. Need to finalize the grow list for 2023. Plan on starting seeds this weekend. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there.
Good morning. Downriver, I also watched an hour of that ridiculous Murdaugh trial yesterday with comments similar to yours from the press people. It sounds like his lineage may have been as crooked as he is. I feel sorry for the last son, but not really.
Lunch with friends on this beautiful sunny and cold day. Hoping to plant a few Chile seeds in a few days, the superhots are slowly showing signs of green.
That’s nice of your hubby, Ratatouille. He’s a definite keeper.
Have a wonderful day. Stay warm and healthy.
Good morning folks,

It's cold outside and we're expecting a cold streak still. Better dress up nice and warm.

Today is perfect for some housekeeping and other chores in and around the house. Spending time with the kids, doing groceries and cooking together with the youngest today. If there's time left, I'll repot some seedlings.

Enjoy your weekend, make the most of it!
Job yesterday turned into a nightmare. Easy landscaping job and home owner had to come out and start barking orders and worries. Job was almost done and then I had to dig up a decent amount of his front yard looking for a water meter. He knew where it was and wouldnt let me look for it. So everything we did was totally ruined and trenches in his yard where he barked at me to dig. Water company came out and found box where I wasnt allowed to look. Patched everything back together and then was questioned about the work we have done,lol. This is a new mowing account I picked up and dude is very close to me firing him as a client. Oh,, then he calls me a couple hours later questioning the bill and wanting to know why we seeded instead of sod, lol. He also cursed and wanted to know why my voicemail is full.

Bike ride this morning then chilling and beers in the disc course. Chicken for dinner with a movie. 67 on its way to 87. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 25F on its way to 44F. Cold, sunny and maybe a little icy right now. The grand-kiddos are here. Big breakfast in a little bit. After that, I'll watch the morning matches. I've got to review several customer requests for proposal this weekend. That will require lots of reading and the documenting of comments/questions. I'll try to fit some of that in this afternoon. We're one week away from starting babies. Sic .... some people are just A-holes no matter what! If the dude wants somebody to order around, he can find somebody else! What's up with not telling you where the water meter was? Didn't want you to see where he's growing his weed? Last evening, the kids got to pick what we ate. They decided on chicken fingers, tater tots and jalapeno poppers. They loved it. Not sure what's on this evening's menu. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Sounds like the other side of the pond is sharing some of our cold weather. Thermals for sure. 27-47F here, but the snow still lingers. I have a sore throat amidst all the crazy weather, but still need to visit the nursery today. Time to make some tea with honey.
Sorry about your new client, Sic. He sounds some crazy person.
In spite of all the craziness this world brings, take time for yourself. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.
Good morning. It's 34F, on its way to 38F. Chance of snow today. One says no accumulation, the other says heavy at times. Guess we'll see. Ran several errands yesterday, so today is a chill day. Maybe work on seed selection - need to get that done. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there.
Morning my roosters,

I hope Sunday is treating you well.

Yesterday I decided to watch that Murdaugh documentary. Someone on here mentioned it, I believe. Of course, then I had to watch all three episodes. What a horrible, horrible story. I still can't believe what I saw was real.

Today will be an easy day. The house is cleaned, there are no real chores left. Me and the youngest will do the cooking tonight. The rest of the day will be filled with whatever comes our way.

Have a wonderful Sunday!
Hello lovely Sunday - it's my fun day :lol:
It's sunny out there, but don't be fooled - temps are round about -2C - that north wind is howling round.
Need to pot up some babies and move them to the windowsill.
Apart from that, good lunch, nap, maybe watch some Superbikes - yay the motorbikes are starting :dance:
Have a good Sunday, eat drink sleep :D
Good morning. It's 37 (3c) on its way to 57 (14c). Warm, mostly cloudy and breezy. Showers and severe thunderstorms tonight. Premier League this morning. Office work until mid-afternoon. Later on, maybe a run up to the city to see our daughter. Grilling and beverages after that.
Good morning. Typical weather, windy and sunny. I still have a sore throat, so will stay home, watch a movie, and sleep. I finished planting the peppers, fewer than usual, so maybe they will all sprout? Think everyone’s getting spring fever as I had to visit 3 places just to find Serrano seeds for daughter’s co-worker. I did add a bit of advice to a younger couple wanting to plant a whole head of garlic soon.
Have a wonderful Sunday. Enjoy the time with friends and family.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 35F, on its way to 61F. Supposed to turn sunny and be a nice afternoon. We'll see. Finished off Clarkson's Farm 2 yesterday. Entertaining. Must be nice to be stupid rich, although he doesn't seem to be having nothing but fun, ha. Rounded up most of the seeds I'm going to plant. Might do that this afternoon. Potential jury duty is back on the docket. Will find out tonight after 7pm. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there.