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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning! It's sunny and 43F, on its way to 64F. Beautiful day. Sorry for your loss Catherine. Losing friends is sad, but try to remember the good times. Hit the garden yesterday and did a little cleanup. Long way to go before planting. Probably head down this afternoon as well. Have a Dr's appt this morning so gotta run. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there.
Morning my lovelies,

@Downriver A garden never seems ready, right? There's always a weed to pick, another project to start, something to plant... I really need to be stern and tell myself (during early summer often) to chill and just sit and relax and enjoy the garden. 😀

Today is a work from home day. I have enough to do that I hope to get done. Starting from tomorrow, I have a week off from work and I don't want to leave any loose ends. So I'm counting on my focus today.

Have a spicy Thursday all!
Morning chickens - wooo hooo - Thursday is upon us with a whiff of weekend.
Another frosty one out there, don't care don't care - it'll be sunny this afternoon and the peppers can have another afternoon bathing in sunshine in the greenhouse.
Sort of day off today, catch up with paperwork, few errands to run, then the day is mine, all mine!
Enjoy your Thursday, keep calm, warm and smiley :D
Life is never as bad as you think (oh yes it is) :lol:
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Good morning. 20-43F, seems colder than yesterday. Busy morning assembling baby layettes for the needy and letting the neighbor’s dog out a few times. The cough and cold still linger, but Spring is on its way. The funeral was a good time of reflection and seeing a few people I knew. Thanks for the caring thoughts Downriver. She will be missed.
Have a wonderful day. Keep the sunshine on your face and the wind at your back.
Good morning. It's overcast and 59F, on its way to 66F. Chance of a few showers this morning, then clearing off with sunshine this afternoon. Got down to the garden yesterday and liberated the raspberries, blackberries and blueberries from the weeds attacking them. Still more to do, but progress was made. Might get down there this afternoon - dunno. I guess it's time to get serious about starting seeds. Maybe today! lol. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there.
Good morning. Its 34F on its way to 47F. Rain/snow expected this evening through tonight. Extremely busy day in the office. 14 meetings today .... total insanity :banghead: . Not much else is going on. Looking forward to the weekend and starting some seeds! Grilling burgers this evening. Beverages during and after that. Be safe and be good.
Good morning.

4in of snow. Yuck! Not much planned. Waiting for drier weathe so I can do something outside. It’s to muddy. Need the snow gone and the mud to dry up.

Had a fence break during the winds. Can’t fix until the ground is thawed.

Just looked at the temp. 48! Wow! That’s crazy.

Have a great day!
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Morning to all you blooming tulips,

My week off has started, but I'll be doing some work this morning that I really want to have done. After that It's party time! Meaning I'm planning on reordering the kitchen kabinets this week and do some other nifty household tasks that I didn’t have the time for lately.

This afternoon is kitchen time. I'm cooking a few meals for an older friend who's very busy taking care of his bedridden spouse, but less busy looking after himself.

Of there's time left, I'm picking up my second hand grow tent. Woohoo! 😎🤟

Have an amazing Friday, find the wonder in all the small and mundane things.
Well Friday at last, work this afty and I've got a small job on for a neighbour over the weekend and that's it. Time for me and the peppers.
Overcast and mild today, maybe sunshine this afternoon.
Good luck with the grow tent Rata, I'm envious, still haven't had THAT conversation with Mr Tink as he's been tied up with work.
Did manage to get the compost yesterday.
Have a good Friday pepper people - keep calm, warm, healthy and smiley :D
Good morning. 23F and cloudy, nothing like the East with looming storms. Stay safe over there. Coffee group, a bit of shopping, and the neighbor’s dog on the docket.
I wish we had some blooming tulips, Ratat, but they’re showing signs of Spring. No garlic yet. A few Chile peppers are up, more to go. I’ll check out the CG garden soon, where there’s lots of mulch. Looking for evidence of Spring there.
Have a wonderful day all you gardeners. Stay safe and healthy.
Good morning. It's overcast and 43F, on its way down to 42F. Drizzle, sleet and freezing rain is the forecast for today. I think it's a GREAT day to plant seeds! ....maybe, ha! Looks like there was no fooling the South Carolina jury. They wasted no time. Hope everybody has a freaky fun Friday. Be safe out there.
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Good morning. Happy Friday! Here's to all of us who made it through another week of faking adulthood! It's 36F on its way to 53F. A mix of snow and rain right now, very cloudy and breezy. It's real soggy and muddy out there now. My Friday off turned into working a half day then running errands this afternoon. I'm planning to start Chinenses and Baccatums tomorrow. Anuums and tomatoes next weekend. Grilling this evening. Beverages and such after that. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Yesterday amazed me with warm spell after 4in of early morning snow. Snow was melted and completely gone by noon. Poor Frosty. Not! He can head back North. He’s not welcomed in these parts. Lol

Ratatouille, congrats on the tent. I bought my tents second hand as well. One is brand new and the other is a bit used and the zipper was broke. Fixed the older one up and put it to use. My lights are also second hand, except for the COB CREE CXB3590’s I made years ago. Bought one light from a girl that tried to grow indoor MJ. She said it was only going for a month before she killed the plants. The other two lights and tents I bought from of all people school teacher of my sons from back in the day. Teacher only grew two seasons of MJ before going back to HPS. These lights are not as powerful as my build, even though they are the same wattage. But they don’t heat up like mine do. Anyways, enough of the rambling. I could go on and on and on about growing. It’s my passion. Keeps me sane.

I think my seeds should pop today and I’ll be firing up the Aero garden.

Take care you all. Have a good day, unless you’ve made other plans.

Morning my sticky toffees,

I'm off to the gym as a start of today, I'll probably will regret this tomorrow.

My day is filled with chores and tasks. Doing groceries, cleaning, helping someone out making a resume and so on. Later this evening there will be a mass pepper transplanting session, so I can fill the grow tent. I am looking forward to that WAY to much.

Have a lush and green and earthy day!
Morning chickens, the weekend has started - cold and sunny out there, so the peppers can go out and get some sunshine his afternoon.
Chores and stuff today, plus badgering Mr Tink for a grow tent :lol:
Have fun at the gym Ratat and I'm loving your new grow tent.
Have a good Saturday chilli people keep warm, calm and smiley :D
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Bike ride this morning then a few chores. Going to drive the folks around to see alll the new housing developments, exciting I know. Mom and Sonya are making lasagna tonight for dinner. Glad everyone are getting all there seeds and seedlings took car of I wont be growing anything. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. 23-43F, nice Spring day. We’re attending 2 classes offered by a nursery, one on seed starting, one on soil. I’m hoping to learn something about good dirt. It’s good to be mulling about with gardeners again after being cooped up for a few years. I’m hoping to resist finding annuals to plant, it’s just too early.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead. Enjoy the little things in life. And stay healthy.