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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 35F (2C) on its to 48F (9C). Cloudy, breezy and cooler. They're saying periods of rain later this afternoon. All this talk about tomatoes is fun. I'm thinking about starting my annuums this weekend and the tomatoes the weekend after. We're cutting back on the tomatoes this year. Going to try to limit plant out to no more than 20 tomato plants. For the peppers we'll plant out less than 70 plants. We should have lots of room to grow some stuff we haven't grown in a couple of years (beets, swiss chard, sweet corn, eggplant, bush beans). Pretty soon it will be time to plant the potatoes, spinach, lettuce, carrots and radishes. Before we know it, the asparagus will be popping too. Our crocus's are in blossom right now. I need to start thinking about servicing my mower and getting it ready to go.

I drove into the office today. I should be in here until around noon and then I'll work from home the rest of the day. Not much else is happening today. Not sure what's on the menu for this evening. Be safe and be good.
Happy birthday, Harry. 🥳

Good morning. Still winter temps, snow flurries, hopefully just a gray sky. I met a fellow gardener at the CG yesterday - no garlic yet, but the tulips have just begun to show. Nice to see that Spring is on its way. We have a few errands, the dog, and then more garden basement play.
Have a wonderful day. Enjoy nature and stay healthy. Best wishes for cake and yummy ice cream.
Good morning. It's overcast and 40F, on its way to 51F. Not a bad day...to stay inside, ha. Not much planned for today. Sister is visiting Mom for a few weeks, so I guess I need to go spend some time with her. Maybe later. Tomato starting is in the near future - probably next week sometime. We'll grow either 24 or 36, haven't decided yet. Hey, there's something to work on today, lol. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there.

Happy birthday Harry! :bday:
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Mornin' folks,

Today is a day of meetings, tying up loose ends and new beginnings. I have an appointment with a notary (solicitor?) and an evaluation/ closing meeting with the undertaker. I'll go and collect the ashes of my mother and drop it of at my brother.

On my way back home, I will 'drive past' a garden center, so I can't not stop there. I want to have a look at flexible borders to make some organic, flowing sections/ paths in my veggie garden. (Not really good at describing what I have in my mind, but this will have to do. 😅)

This afternoon I'm choosing which pepper plants (a lot!) I'll be taking with me tomorrow, when I'm visiting a dear friend who's also into gardening.

Have a stellar Wednesday!

Edit to add it's snowing. Never saw that coming!

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Morning all - Hump Day!
It's wet and mild out there, no sign of snow :D
Day off - so I'm going to be checking out the seedlings and ditching anything that's not come up, I'm looking at you Rocotos. And starting on a list for the annuums.
Plus baking cakes for the charity shop.
And I think that's all the excitement for today.
Have a good Wednesday, keep warm, calm and smile :D
Good morning. It's 42F (6C) on its way to 47F (8C). Cloudy with a couple of showers. Very busy work day ahead. Working in the basement office until mid afternoon and then I'm working on the mower. Not much else is going on today. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 34F, on its way to 51F. Should be a pretty, but kinda cool, day. Have a few errands to run today, then home and chill. Might do a little streaming. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there.
Morning all - Thursday is here with its whiff of weekend.
Another wet, windy day, thunderstorms forecast for this afternoon. So another day off for me.
I don't mind a day off but it makes me go through seed packets and want to sow everything :lol: Perhaps I better do a jigsaw puzzle to keep my fingers occupied.
Have fun with your friend Ratat, which reminds me I need to put some seeds and plants aside for my bestie.
Have a good Thursday, keep warm, dry, calm and smiley :D
Good morning. It's 37 on its way to 43 with more light rain. Yesterday, I went out to the barn to move the "old" truck so I could work on the mower. Truck wouldn't start. Mower wouldn't start. After charging all the batteries, everything starts now but I didn't get anything accomplished. Drove in to work this morning. Full work schedule today. Counting down the days to re-retirement. 17 work days left (including today). I hope I can last that long. Not much else is going on. No idea what's on the menu for this evening. The grandkids will be with us for the weekend so I expect tomorrow evening we'll have pizza. I need to check on the babies though I suspect nothing will start popping until the weekend. Everything has turned to mud (typical spring). Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Cold and windy, though the weekend looks promising. Hubby’s bringing his car in for an oil change and try to figure out why the mileage is not up to par. So I get to be the chauffeur in my truck. Errands in the AM, maybe a bit of shopping or walking at the mall. I started labeling cups and sticks in anticipation for potting up soon. Guess I’m just impatient and ready for less gloomy weather.
Have a wonderful day. Stay safe and healthy.