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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's sunny and 40F, on its way to 56F. Should be a pretty day. Grocery store trip today, plus a few more errands. Might work a little in the grow room this afternoon, clearing shelves for pot-ups and such. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there.
Morning all!

I'm off to the gym this morning and then I'll be organizing the seeds that I want to plant this month. Maybe I'll go to the allotment for a bit if I get the housecleaning tasks done in time.

Mr. Ratatat is off for a concert visit with the oldest kid of 16. They are staying out the night. That means I can have a friend over to catch up with. This friend is starting a vegetable garden this year, so we'll probably do a lot of veggietalk and if I play my cards right, I can move a few of my plants his way to create some room in my amateur nursery.

Have a lovely Friday!
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Morning chickens - Friday is here, that whiff of weekend is getting stronger.
Another wet and very windy day.
I'm cleaning off plant tags this a.m., getting a list of veggie seeds to grow and planning the veg plot. Plus I've still got pepper seeds soaking.
Possibly work this afternoon, although the dogs don't like windy days very much - so it could be an afternoon spent at home.
Have a good Friday, keep warm, calm, dry and smiley :D
Good Friday morning. Gray skies and fog, looking for a warmer 60F sometime soon. I’ll check out the CG again since we’ve had no moisture in a bit, maybe the garlic will be showing. Ratat, it’s always s nice to talk veggies with a friend, especially if you can share growing space!
Have a great day. Hugs to Sic’s friend Carol. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. It's 35F on its way to 47F. Mostly cloudy. Yesterday, I finally completed the mower maintenance. Working in the basement office until early afternoon. The garlic is up! Starting annuums tomorrow. The grandkids will be here for the weekend. Pizza tonight. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's overcast and 40F, on its way to 45F. Lots of huffing and puffing about snow today, but nada, Still way too warm. Not complaining. Don't know what's on the plate for today, so I just might wing-it, ha. Hope everybody has a fabulous Friday. Keep safe out there.
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Morning my fluffy balls of fur,

The day is starting with -2°C/ 28 °F. This is horrible, I really need spring to start. Can't do without much longer. Haha!

After breakfast I'll go to an event called Reclaim the seeds. Today it's in Belgium, so I'll be crossing the border. The event once started to create a place to trade seeds, hold discussion on political themes and attend workshops on several agricultural and gardening subjects. It was initially a protest against then new EU seed legislation and resistance to patents on crops. Nowadays It's more commercial with small shops selling their ware, but I like it nonetheless. I mean, seeds! 😍

I have my seeds ready for trading.

A quick breakfast and then the road is mine.

Have a lovely Saturday!
Morning all - weekend at last! Another wet and windy day. Regardless I shall be out there potting up seeds.
Not much else planned for today.

Spring is definitely springing, daffodils are starting to bloom and blossom is showing on the trees.

@Ratatouille have fun at the seed swap, I don't trust myself to go to those things anymore. I normally come back with way more than I started with :lol:

Have a good Saturday, keep warm, dry, calm and smiley :D
Good morning. It's 37F on its way to 43F. Cool, breezy and light rain. Watching the early match and then starting annuums. Big breakfast in a bit. Tink .... our daffodils are just starting to bloom too. Ratty .... seed exchanges are a good time. Not much else is going on today. This evening, driving up to the big city for the match. The grand-kiddos are here keeping us busy. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Sunny and warmer, 34 to 51F. Yesterday I spent spent time in the garden starting to clean up the irises, which will take another few days. A few garlic are up so Spring is slowly showing its beauty. Ratat, I wish you lots of fun at the seed swap. I’m sure I would come home with too much, hubby would roll the eyes and ask where ‘it’ is all going to go. We have a plant swap in May, so I’m on the lookout for things to dig up.
Have a wonderful Saturday. Stay healthy and safe. Hugs for Carol in the hospital.
Good morning. It's mostly cloudy and 38F, on its way to 46F. The wind is a whippin - 15mph, gusts to 40mph. Not going to venture out in that. Got a msg yesterday morning saying the jury trial is ON for Monday. Not excited, at all. Then, late afternoon I get another msg saying jury trial for Monday has been canceled - next date 3/30. NOW I'm excited, lol. Anyway. not much planned for today. Maybe work in the grow room a little. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there.
@Ratatouille have fun at the seed swap, I don't trust myself to go to those things anymore. I normally come back with way more than I started with :lol:
I can confirm. I came back home with some planning panic inducing tomato seeds, a peony, heirloom beans, Thai cucumber seeds, some more wild asparagus and a lot of other precious ssssseeds.

It was wholesome and reassuring, spending almost a day with other seed addicts.
Good day. Late start. Was up too late and lounged around this morning.

Hope Carol gets well.

Catherinew, I could t get my seeds to temp. I keep my house around 60-65 in the Winter. I don’t like the drastic change going to out side temps. I have a dome and heating mats. I did have a Tupperware container, heating mat and a towel to insulate. I now have taken one of those storage containers that have the yellow lids. I put the mat in there and the dome. Put the lid on the container and now got consistent temps. I’m using those little hot sauce containers you get with to go orders. I put ermine makeup remover pads in there. The little round ones. I’ve had good success in the past with that setup. I think I have 20-30 Chile varieties and about 60-70 seeds sowed. I also have veggies and herbs going on a side project. I will be busy if all pop. I also sowed about 30 Reaper seeds. Seems people like novelty. I’ll try and sell them on Facebook locally to recover my growing costs. Got fist seed to pop! Sowed Wednesday this week. 4 days!

Oh, I was thinking. I think we should start stocking up on canning supplies. I hate waiting until the end of season and searching for what I want. I’m good to start getting stuff now and let everyone else fret over supplies.

Ratatouille, that sounded like a blast. I wish I could have went. Seeds? I’m in!

57 today and loving it. Clouds are coming in though. Daylight savings tomorrow!

I have some salmon and ribs to smoke.

I also have some Corned beef brisket to throw on there as well. I season it well with black pepper and smoke it for ages at low temp. It’s like a pastrami when it’s done and cut thin. I have 3 Weber Smokey Mountains. I smoke about once a week. I’ve got that thing down. I do overnight Pork Butts and never get up to check on it. I can leave for the day and it will be done when I get home. Set it and forget it. It’s another passion of mine. All charcoal and some wood chucks.

Take care and sorry for the late reply. Thanks for letting me ramble. Lol

Enjoy your weekend, cool people pepper eaters.

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OCD, good to read your rants (!). You certainly have a lot of seeds waiting to pop. I keep saying I will downsize, but like everyone here, we all need more seeds and then have to plant them. Stars in the eyes.
Good idea to stock up on canning supplies early. I always think that, and am on the lookout for sales every time we shop. I’m just amazed at the prices, but doubt they will get any lower.
SOME day we should get together, trade seeds and/or plants.
Have a great weekend.
Good morning pepper friends,

Today will be a cloudy and cold day, but it won't be raining. A big improvement over last week. 😉

@sicman I hope Carol feels better soon.
@OCD Chilehead Great tip about the canning supplies. I should probably also get my canning area prepped. I use it as a storage room and everything gets 'stored' there. It could do with some heavy organizing.

Not sure what I'm doing today. Endless possibilities and all. It's my last day before I have to go back to work again after a week-long stay-at-home vacation. I'd better enjoy the day!

@catherinew If that meet-up is planned way in advance, I might even be able to plan a vacation accordingly. I'm sure Mr. Ratat thinks this would be a good idea as well. Hahaha!

Go get that Sunday people!
Morning chickens - day of sloth is here.
Be gentle with me today, we had a cocktail night and I'm feeling a bit fuzzy.
Weather is supposed to be dry harrumph - yeah right!

Why are we all stocking up on supplies? Is the apocalypse coming?

@OCD Chilehead your smoking sounds delicious and it's making me hungry already.

@sic Hope Carol is feeling better.

I need to pot on some peppers today, they're getting a tad big for their pots. The hardening off is going well and they'll be ready to stay out all day and night once the temps rise a bit more. Good thing because I need the space for the next round of sproutlings.

And that's about it for today apart from lunch, nap, bit of reading.

Have a good Sunday keep warm, dry, calm and smiley :D