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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Morning chickens, hump day is here with a faint whiff of weekend.
Sunny day and higher temps are promised for today - the peppers will be out sunbathing.
Day off today and not much planned, except checking plants, planning the next phase and seeing my bestie for lunch and shopping. Bliss!
Body is a bit knackered from fun and games yesterday, so I shall be resting, sort of.
Have a spiffing Wednesday, keep calm, dry and smiley :D
Good morning. It's Wednesday Friday for me! It's currently 36F (2C) on its way to 62F (17C). They say it's going to be warm and extremely windy. My Chinenses are finally starting to pop! Looks like 8 meetings on the schedule today wrapping up at 1630. Crab Rangoon pizza tonight .... I just don't know what to think about that. Beverages and such after that. Be safe and be good.
Good morning everyone. Warmer temps to entice weeding until tomorrow. 36-64F. That wind sure gets cold. Harry, sounds like your gardens will be full again with such variety. I hear you regarding the bug invasion and not planting particular veggies. I’m going to plant radishes to try and keep flea beetles away from the tomatoes. We shall see.
I’m starting broccoli today, nothing else as another cold front is keeping the pea seeds in the package for now.
Have a great Wednesday. Stay healthy.
Good morning. It's sunny and 33F, on its way to 49F. Still pretty windy. Had some strong winds all day/night yesterday, but I don't see any limbs or trees down. That's looking out the window, of course. Too cold to go walk around outside lol. Need to run errands today though, so I'll be out there eventually. Making BBQ sauce today. Supposed to be around 60F tomorrow, so plan on grilling some chicken. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there.
Good morning.

Stupid cold front.🌧️ It was close to 60 the other day. Rain and on Friday we go back to 19 degrees. I could use some global warming right about now. I should start up my 77 Ford, big block 460 more often. It’s a joke, don’t get all crazy on me. 😂

Got some seeds finally popping! You ever have the feeling of you want them to come up, but you know you over planted and don’t want all of them to come up? What’s wrong with me? 🤪

BBQ later. I BBQ and Smoke in the Winter a lot. It cheers me up. Neighbors probably think I’m crazy out there in shorts, flip flops and T-Shirt. I haven’t drank in 15 years. I’m sure there is some head scratching going on. 🤔Wait until Im on the HOA board. 🤣

I had the smoker going the past couple days. It’s amazing how many people start walking the neighborhood trying to search out the smell. Lol. I think when warmer weather comes. I’m going to break out the gear and cook for the neighborhood. We have a grassy community area with picnic tables. Nobody uses! We be better if that area was community garden and every home owner had a plot. 🐝🌻

Speaking of community gardens. I requested a plot at one in town. I have plenty of room to have my own garden. I just thought it would be nice to hang out with other gardeners. We’ll see.

May your day be as beautiful as you. 🌞
Got some seeds finally popping! You ever have the feeling of you want them to come up, but you know you over planted and don’t want all of them to come up? What’s wrong with me? 🤪
And then there's the phase where they have all come up and you've decided you will be giving away pepper seedlings to spread the joy. But when that time comes, you somehow hesitate, because how can you be sure your babies are in good hands with other people?
And then there's the phase where they have all come up and you've decided you will be giving away pepper seedlings to spread the joy. But when that time comes, you somehow hesitate, because how can you be sure your babies are in good hands with other people?
You've got to have spares .... what if something happens and I lose a few. What if the horde of hungry critters comes and devours some of my seedlings? It seems that somehow all of those spares end up getting planted. I don't get it. Well .... maybe that's why my plant out numbers are always much higher than planned :banghead:!
Morning early risers,

Two nights in a row with horrible sleep make me a grumpy old woman this morning. 😖 We should normalize doing a nap at lunchtime in offices all over the world. Right?

I'm having a coffee to drink in the nursery. That will cheer me up for sure! Then I'm off to work in the no-nap office. On my way home I'll stop by the gym. 🏋️‍♀️

Maybe I'll select some seedlings tonight to give away at a gardening event that I'll be visiting with a friend tomorrow. That is, if I can part with them. We all know how hard that is. @Harry_Dangler do you really plant out the spares? I often end up with a surplus cramped in a small pot that will be neglected when the growing season is at its peak. Please don't tell PPS (Plant Protective Services).

Pet some dogs or cats today, smile at a stranger or just enjoy your own company this Thursday! 👋
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Morning all, another grumpy head here - same as you Ratat, bad or no sleep for the last 2 nights.
Another sunshine day, potting up and potting on here I come. Least I won't get murderous with the plants.
And that is all I have planned, apart from a long nap - hah fat chance!
Nearly the weekend.
Have a good Thursday, keep warm, calm, smiley and nap lots :D
Good morning. It's 52F on its way to 59F with rain changing over to a wintery mix tonight. An Arctic front is coming through sometime this afternoon changing us back to winter. I have the day off from work and my plan is to run some errands (WM, liquor store) this morning and then watch some March Madness this afternoon. Thinking about starting tomatoes this weekend.
@Ratty ... yes, I eventually end up planting out the spares because I'm cheap and don't have the heart to dispose of perfectly good plants. After I give away as many plants as I can .... most of the spares that are left end up in either large planters or large pots on my walkout patio but some end up being "shoe-horned" into the main garden.
I got out some ribeyes to grill this evening. Beverages and such after that. Be safe, be blessed and be good.
Good morning. Luckily I took advantage of yesterday’s nice weather and cleaned up all of the irises at the CG and at home - lots of winter kill due to the cold and heavy snow. Last night it started to rain, we now have a beautiful blanket of snow and 24F temp. Seems like a good day to pot up peppers, maybe more than I’d planned. Harry, I truly understand having to plant the ‘extras’ if I find room in the garden. I have people that want to grow their own food, and a plant swap helps find a few more people. But . . . It’s difficult to part with the plants.
I hope you have a wonderful day. Take a nap after work. Stay healthy for your gardens.
Good morning. It's sunny and 35F, on its way to 62F. Should be a pretty day. BBQ'ing chicken today and taking over to Mom's. Might fry some cabbage for a side. Probably visit with Sis for a while. Saw a recipe for Cabbage Roll Soup the other day. Sounded good so I plan on making that tomorrow. Might start tomato seeds this weekend as well. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there.
Goodmorning my sturdy seedies,

@Downriver the cabbage roll soup sounds delicious. If you could share, you'd make me a happy ratatouille.

My weekend had started. I'm starting the day with a coffee as usual, but will then start collecting pepper plants I want to part with. I have a good friend who I meet up with only once a year, maybe two times if we're lucky. It'll be a long drive and we'll meet halfway. We're going to a allotment/ veggie growing event where there's the option to share and trade seeds and seedlings.

I love giving the pepper plants to my friend, but I'm a bit hesitant giving them to people I don't know. That's weird, right? I mean, I love sharing. I've killed quite a few plants myself. I really have more than enough pepper plants myself. Why would I be weary of other people not taking good care of my babies or not putting the right value to all the care that went into these pepper plants? I need to have a stern talk with myself. 🤣

Have a wonderful Griday, go out and share the love.
Huzzah hello lovely Friday - I don't care if you're going to be wet and super windy, you're here and that's the important thing.
Not much planned for today, I had an unexpected Covid booster yesterday and feeling a bit wobbly.
Potted up the bigger plants yesterday and they spent the night in the greenhouse under a cloche, let's hope they're still thriving this a.m.

I feel the same about giving/selling plants as you do @Ratatouille - I always feel the need to make sure that they're going to be looked after - they are my precious babies. Sometimes I want to snatch the plant back and say "you're not a good pepper parent" :lol:

And that's it for today, see if there's any more babies popping, plant up new seeds that have been soaking and then lie comatose on the sofa.

Have a good Friday, keep warm, calm, dry and un-windy, remember to smile 😄

ETA - the overnighters in the greenhouse are still alive :woohoo:
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Happy St. Patty's Day! It's frigid. It's 26F on its way 45F and very windy. Winter is back. TGIF! Not doing much today. Pretty much a repeat of yesterday. Not working today. Running some errands and going out to lunch. Watching some March Maddness after that and starting the tomatoes. Grillling burgers this evening. Beverages and such after that. Be safe and be good.