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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Nice visit w/our friend yesterday. Just talking on the phone doesn’t always fit the occasion. Time for more Spring cleaning and ‘removal’.

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy. Enjoy the weekend with friends and family.
Today is my Monday. I just got up for work (yay for 3rd shift!). Got taxes back yesterday and went shopping. Woohoo!

Traded in our 2015 Kia Sportage. She looked like a golf ball from hail damage and smelled like a foot, but was the best vehicle we ever owned. Sad to see her go. Fare thee well my trusty and noble steed. Thank you for 75,000 miles of excellent service!

Hello 2021 Kia Seltos! This thing has all sorts of neat technology... that I have absolutely no clue how to use. Touchscreen everything with a screen bigger than some TV I've owned! It even has an autopilot type feature. Like legitimately will maintainyour lane, speed and brake for other cars. I'm terrified to try that feature. Cars sure have come a long way in the past few years.

Good morning.  It's 30 (-1c) on its way to 60 (16c).  Lots of outdoor chores for me and I've got to get the old truck running. The grandkids are here to keep grandma busy.  Grilling and beverages this evening.  Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It’s Spring weekend and we’re still looking at snow forecasted for 3-4 days. Such is March. The peppers are growing well except for a few who look like dwarfs. I guess they’re waiting for something to encourage a growth spurt. I noticed the grocery shelves were back to semi normal yesterday after the crazed shoppers cleaned many of them out.

Have a wonderful day and keep loved ones close. S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning.  It's 46 (8c) on it's way to 65 (18c).  Nothing but chores on the schedule for today.  The last of our seed potatoes came in so we'll get those prepped and ready to plant in the upcoming week.  Got watering to do in the seedling room.  That's about it.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.  
Good morning. Hubby made Green chili last night so I hope to have a delicious breakfast with scrambled eggs also. Just waiting for the snow to melt so I can check on the garlic at the CG. Happy Spring.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe. Share your blessings.
Your breakfast sounds wonderful. We are having subs. Yesterday didnt go as planned but still great. We celebrated the equinox and loved each other. Its cold the last few days which sucks, it was a terrible no sun 60 on our ride yesterday, we walked 6 miles first thing in the dark and was out there at 537 for spring. Worked in our gardens also, today we relax. Have a great day, bless up be awesome and good morning.
Sub for breakfast then headed to stables to mow and fix some fence, wife already there cleaning stalls and arenas. Not positive whats going on this evening? Have a wonderful day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 53 (12c) on its way to 64 (18c).  80% chance of rain.  Planted the red potatoes yesterday.  It will be mid week before we get the Yukons and the Russets in the ground.  They're cut but still drying.  The potatoes are are going in the 8' x 24' bed this year.  That's going to give us a lot of potatoes!  My nursery grow room looks like a jungle.  I'm hoping the nice WX starts earlier than normal so I can get some of these tomato plants outside!  
Very busy work schedule today from 7:30-2:30.  After that, I've got some more tomatoes to transplant and then I need to assemble the new fire table.  It's an extremely busy time of year for my job and at home.  My "to do" list is crazy long and a little overwhelming.  Didn't get to work on the "old truck" this weekend.  That job is starting to nag on me.  Oh well.  Not much else happening.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. A snowy week is in the forecast with 3 supposed storm bringing the moisture. So far we have a 6” blanket of beautiful snow. Last year was a very dry and warm year, so all the snow is a welcome sight. Today we’re supposed to bring my friend for shot #2, but will call to see if it has been cancelled again. Harry, you will definitely be getting a boatload of potatoes this year from a 8x24 bed. Nice to hear sic and his wife are enjoying their garden.

I hope your day goes well. Stay safe and healthy.
Good morning.  It's 51 (11c) on its way to 53 (12c) and raining.  The WX prognosticators are saying today will be a wash out.  I've got a moderately busy work schedule until 3:00.  After that, I've got a few errands to run.  I also need to raise the lights in the grow room.  Not sure what else we've got going on today.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Sunny, waiting for another round of snow as Sunday’s addition seems to have melted. The shooting at King Soopers in Boulder was so horrible yesterday, that it still bothers me. We are not safe even in the grocery stores.

We have a few errands to finish, then enjoy the day. Keep loved ones close and remember those less fortunate.
Good morning. It's 44 (7c) on its way to 51 (11c).  Cool and Cloudy.  Busy work schedule today.  Sic ..... my revised retirement date is 1/14/2022.  No more extensions .... LOL.  Postponed the errand running until later this afternoon.  Got all the lights raised and all the plants watered.  It's to the point where all of these plants are becoming a pain!  It happens every year.  We're a month from plant out.  Not much else happening.  Be safe and be good.  
I hear ya on plants becoming a pain. I bottom water and its now taking me over an hour to water everything. I will haul them all out to the greenhouse this weekend which will save a little time on watering. No more freezing temps in the long-term forecast, but you never know in NE Kansas. Its not uncommon to haul them all out, only to have to haul them all back in!
Harry_Dangler said:
Good morning. It's 44 (7c) on its way to 51 (11c).  Cool and Cloudy.  Busy work schedule today.  Sic ..... my revised retirement date is 1/14/2022.  No more extensions .... LOL.  Postponed the errand running until later this afternoon.  Got all the lights raised and all the plants watered.  It's to the point where all of these plants are becoming a pain!  It happens every year.  We're a month from plant out.  Not much else happening.  Be safe and be good.  
yup the shootings suck, people are crazy!! Harry dont let your life slip away for the man,lol. You seem to be well planned and able to get away. So many get so old before they think about living. Im not being a jerk I hope you know what I mean. Im poor and lots of people think im lazy and worthless but Ive lived the life many rich men wish they could. That has came with a cost of searching joy and constantly depressed searching for the next big "high" but its my life. I have to live it. Peace to all and joy for the day. Behave and good morning.
Good morning. More snow, but we’re hoping it may deter wildfires this year. Last year showed so many of us how vulnerable we really are. Harry, glad you have set a definite date to cut ties w/the job. You might travel more, just be happy with family around. Sic- special thoughts and a lollipop from us. Just find happiness in whatever you do. It’s not easy.

Enjoy today and share the beauty of our earth.
Good morning.  It's 42 (6c) on its way to 44 (7c).  The forecast is for a chilly and rainy day.  After today, the WX forecast looks very nice.  Very busy work schedule today.  Only 6 meetings but at least half will be stressful.  MWCH ..... I bottom water too.  It's taking me at least 30 minutes to water ~400 plants every 4 days.  Catherine/Sic .... definitely looking forward to retirement.  I've been working in this industry for 41 years and I think it's about time to hang it up.  Ran some errands last evening and picked up a new outdoor refrigerator for the screened-in-porch.  Now I need to fill it with something ....  :beer: .  That's a job that I won't mind!  
My wife finished planting all of the potatoes and onions yesterday.  I saw that our lettuce, radishes and carrots are "up" out in the garden.  The garlic is looking great and we should start to have asparagus in a month or so.  We still need to sow spring beet seed in the next few days and I've still got a bunch of tomato plants to transplant.  Got to get that done later today or tomorrow.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.  