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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 43 on it way to 57. Didn't make it out yesterday. Going to do that today and take the boss out for lunch. Probably make a stop to restock the beverage supply while we're out. Maybe a grocery store stop to pick up a few sale items. Nothing else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's a pretty, sunny morning and 26F, on its way to 46F. Had to do a few maintenance things at the BIL's yesterday. Managed to get to Lowes and buy the new kitchen faucet, but didn't install it. That's today's entertainment. Hope to get chinense seeds started today or tomorrow. Have a great day and be safe out there.
Woke up to puppy accident in a dozen different spots. So thankful for a zero carpet home. Carpet is the worse but here in swamp Florida its so gross. And puppy mess wouldnt help,lol. Doubt shes sick probably just all the who knows what she eats running around the farm. Pressure wash job that I hate then one yard and a small spanish moss removal job. Weather is starting to get warm here, will be summer soon. Have a wonderful day and good morning.
Good morning. Happy President's Day! It's 45 on its way to 71. Should be a beautiful day. Turns colder tomorrow and for the rest of the week. We've got no carpeting at this homestead as well. I might go ahead and start my Chinense varieties today. I saw the crocus have come up .... they'll flower any day now. Not sure what else we've got going on. Back to the office tomorrow. Our mandates are going away and now they're closing testing and vaccine locations in the area. It's amazing how fast things can go from panic to nothing. No mention of positivity test rates on the News either. Just makes you wonder about the last couple of years. Got some steaks out to thaw and to grill this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe, be blessed and be good. S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning. Colder for the next 3 days, with snow starting tonight. They’re predicting feet of snow in the mountains - finally - as their reservoirs are quite low. Hubby and a friend are planning a trek to the casinos, I’ll probably stay home since I get bored with the machines eating my money. No Monday errands since it’s Presidents Day, though we will meet for coffee.
Have a wonderful day. We are truly blessed.
Good morning. It's sunny and currently 46F on its way to 63F. Looks like a nice one. Got the kitchen faucet replaced - yay. No long forgotten box of treasure found under the sink - bummer. Might start seeds today as well, but I just might spend the day outside since it's so nice! Have a great day and be safe out there.
Still enjoying the tail-end of the warm weather. Currently cloudy with showers moving in this afternoon. 59F on its way to 61F. One more warm day, then back to Winter. Vet appointment today for BIL's cat. Don't know what's up after that. Have a great day, stay warm and be safe out there.
Good morning. It's 3 on its way 20. Snow tomorrow. Heading into the office for Day 2. Had a great time yesterday in the office with some folks I haven't seen in a long time. Our grandson is here for a few days while his momma figures out her latest housing fiasco. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Bought all kinds of minis yesterday to paint. New hobby of ours, git a really good deal on 25 packs for $50.00 they cost 6 a piece usually. Waiting on a buddy to pick me up, we are going to ride in and around the green Swamp. will paint a couple minis tonight and do some reading. Ill have to wash bike this afternoon. I think we are having pizza for dinner? Have a great day and good morning.
Overcast but warm at 61F, heading to 63F. Temperature is supposed to come crashing down this afternoon/evening. Might spend some time in the storage unit while its warm, dreaming of returning it to the two-car garage it used to be lol. Have a great day and be safe out there. Good morning.

Those are some minis that we painted Catherine. We should get way better with some practice. Wife and I are going for a bike ride in a bit then not much else going on. Painting this evening. Probably some reading. Weather is hiting high 70s and into the 80s. Crazy yall are under snow and freezes. well wishes to all and good morning.
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Good morning. It's 11 on its way to 20 and snowing. Back to working in the basement office. Busy work schedule today. Our grandson is still with us .... I don't ask anymore :). Picking up the boat tomorrow. Need to service my mower and get it ready to go. Starting chinense peppers this weekend. Meatloaf this evening. Be safe and be good.