Good morning. It's 58F (chilly) on its way to 85F. It should be sunny and comfortable. I've got a meeting that starts in a few minutes then I've got the rest of the day wide open. My wife and grand daughter are slicing bell peppers, petit marseillais and snacker pods for freezing today and they're snapping/canning the last of the green beans. My wife telIs me she's making one more cherry tomato salad and then that's it for this year ..... apparently she's sick of them
. I picked another 5 gallon bucket of jalapeno pods that need prepped and frozen. I've got a few more beds of jalapenos to pick today too .... probably get one more bucket full. I noticed an issue with a hunk of siding on the back of the house that I need to fix sometime this week. Lots of small jobs today. Chili dogs this evening and beverages later on. Be safe and be good.