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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

mornin' all....

yup, got almost 2.5" of rain over the last 48 hours but no complaints here...we need a whole bunch more...lakes are down a whole lot...and the rain was a good rain...slow drizzle most of the time...just a good soaking rain....
AH..........the first taste is the best!....of antything!.....its a workday so it's coffee this morning.
It's been a mild winter so far, but the shovels are close at hand.....we'll have to see how tommorrow pans out.
I have 1 thai plant that I left in a container...... the chili's are still on the plant......sun dryed,air dryed....what have ya
Tonites a "Spicey Bail Noodle" with some infused "sun dried chili oil"......gotta pick-em before it snows

Glad to hear it AJ.. Greg we have been very lucky here also. Mid to late January is usually when it hits the fan. 47° today.. That is one more day closer to spring without snow. Everyone around here is as naive as they are joyous. Telling me how its going to be a mild winter. They will never be mistaken for a pachyderm.
Good morning everyone.... 4:30 but I feel like its only like 1.... sleep is like a thing of the past. I remember being a teen and sleeping 12hrs straight, now its like 4-5hrs then I am up. I call BS.
Good Morning! Good to hear that those in need of rain are receiving some. I am aware that portions of Texas have had drought conditions. Like my fellow Northerners, amazingly mild winter. Here it is 1/11 and there is no snow on the ground, the lakes around my area have not frozen over. I like to get out and do a little ice fishing in the winter (nothing better than fresh panfish in the skillet), but no such luck so far. We know however that sooner or later…..it’s going to hit the fan (forecast for Friday).
Morning gents. Yep, 53 here in Minnesota yesterday, and a high of 15 for tomorrow with snow. The lakes are froze, but not exactly safe. That will change soon enough! I've only been ice fishing once so far, and that was December 17-18.
Good morning all. The cold is on it's way to MN. Coffee is hot and that's a good thing this morning. Charles has the crud that's going around, visit to the doctor showed a spot on his lung so we're off to Sioux Falls to a lung specialist as soon as they set up the appointment. Some of you know he has emphysema from 20 plus years of welding and smoking. His father had lung cancer toward the end of his life but was 90 when he died so Charles has a ways to go yet. Sioux Falls is an hour and a half from us, this was NOT in the plan for this month. Seems things like this never are what you had planned and never what you budgeted for either. Oh well, we will muddle through and see what happens.
Amen to that MPG...prayers are with you and Charles
mornin' all...I only have 2-2.5 months Greg...and I feel I am behind already
Forgot to stop by and wish everyone a good morning.

Greg, here there is a "death storm" snow forecast for Chicago today. Have to drive to the west side of the state tomorrow, things might get a little dicey. Oh well, the weather has been to easy around here this winter. Time to man up, throw it in 4X and roll!