• Politics are not permitted. There's plenty of places to discuss that elsewhere, and a hot pepper forum is not the place. Thank you for respecting the community!


...from Haifa, Israel! How's everyone doing? We're STILL deployed (we haven't been out here that long, just our schedule is quite accelerated) to the Mediterranean. At least this beats being deployed to the Persian gulf...if that were the case I'd be boarding dhows all day for 7 months straight and not finishing my final qualifications. I have been steadily supplying the wardroom with hot sauce...they still love the Defcon 2. Very few have strayed to the 1.

Someone randomly provided me with a bottle of Cajun Heat Liquid Napalm. It's great stuff! A little too thick for me, as I like to pour the sauce one, but it does spread easily. It was awesome to see "The Hot Pepper Awards" logo on the label! It reminded me of home.

I still have a ways to go, we were extended a bit. I look forward to getting home and being a bit more of a frequent visitor on the page and will try and hit up some more beer reviews as well! Cheers everyone, hope life is treating you all well!
I was gonna say, too. but seriously. Can a U.S. serviceman find time/ authorization to hang out with a fellow chilihead who happens to be an Israeli serviceman?
Celeste I don't think there's a problem with U.S and Israeli folks hanging out. We're not involved in any open hostilities towards each other.
I didnt think we did, Patrick, my thought was logistics. I dont know how much free time servicemen get away from base/ship, especially in foreign countries, and if they have to clear their activities with anyone or if their duties prevent too much hobnobbing. Heck, I have to plan months ahead to get together with my friend who lives less than ten miles away- our schedules are so tight!- and we dont even have military rigamarole binding us.

It seems like it would be a good opportunity- so many here from so many places across the globe, connected only by the internet and a love of peppers. How cool to meet in person?
Well there isn't any rules about us not hanging out with Israeli soldiers. We were warned that there was a high probably of intelligence collection attempts and to watch what we talked about out in town or when we had people come onboard the ship.

We're in Kusadasi, Turkey right now. It's pretty sweet! Haven't had any really spicy food yet, but right before we got here we did a replenishment at sea and got a lot of mail. In said mail was some more Mongoose and some Blair's death rain habanero rub. I love mail day, it's like christmas!

I'll post up some pics when I get back home. We're still not sure when that will be though...we already have been extended once. Who knows..

That's the capital of the leather jacket world, so get yourself ashore!

Hey, who's looking after your T's while you're on this cruise...?! ;)
haha Yea, apparently I'm good friends with a lot of leather merchants here..they all want to hook me up with special prices. :lol: I did buy a meershaum pipe though.

I sold all the T's due to joining. :( I am planning on picking up one once I get back from this deployment because I won't be going out to sea again for a while (hopefully).
Well, that could also be a lot of fun.

You can do your buying with far more experience than you had when you first started! Lol!
Honestly, that makes it harder! I will only buy one species. Will it be my favorite, P. cambrigei, or another new one I have never owned. S. calcaetum or H. maculata are up there in my choices. So is a nice Poecilotheria....