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stillmanz said:
they look very Dangerous.........

yeah ! I'm really hurry to see how hot they are and how many presious seed there is inside each one .... I'll take some pix of the inside when i'll cut them
the thing is now full rip :cool: about 2inches wide by 1.5 inches long

I'll take some pix of the inside probably tonight so i'll be able to make a taste/heat/seed report !!
that is one fantastic pod QuebecFire,be intresting to see how many seeds in that crinckled/pitted heat bomb:onfire:

Fantastic thread by the way its like the coming of the superhero chillis and thought growing dorset nagas would be fun..but the douglan,7pot and scorpion look like fun.

From one chilihead to another if you have the odd seed spare after all the others i will get a little (a lot actually) exited
Pepp3rFreak said:
YEs, That's what I'm talking about!!! But make sure to break the video camera out and then eat that bad boy whole and raw!!!!:mouthonfire::mouthonfire::P
750,000SHU burning your mouth and then soul! :hell:
teh purple penguins said:
is that what you call your exhaust vent omri?
First mouth, then comes the soul and only then you get the usual rectal burn.
Chiles are evil. bit by bit, they burn your soul.
so has anyone read any scientific data about these guys yet? I got 6 flowers so should get a few pods soon. I'm sending my pods to the hippyseedcompany for our viewing pleasure lol.
Damn straight, I am gowing them in full sun and the plant is nice and stressed (read the dog almost ate it and the kids kick the soccor ball at it all the time lol).... so even though its starting to get cooler I think they should still be very very hot, just hope they are a good size.
