Wow, the goods have hit the street.Sounds like good seed trade ammunition.
I don't think so. - Apparently they have an even hotter pepper in the works (but are holding it back), and once your seeds are ready for trade, no one will care about that world's second hottest pepper you have to offer.
I've made a fair amount of seed trades with my moruga-seeds this year, but if you factor in the premium i paid for the seeds, it wasn't worth it. Plus, now i have loads of moruga pods, and don't know what to do with them, they're just too bleeding hot, and I don't own a chemical weapons factory.
Now for my 10 cents on the situation: I've followed the other thread on this pepper close enough to know I won't do business with this dealer. Too much hype, too many attacks on the competition, obvious gold digger is obvious. I'll stick to legitimate seed-sources who've been in business for many years and sell me top quality at fair prices.
To all the people in this thread complaining about this new superhot, I get it, you're right, but also: calm down. Yes, there's gonna be lots of people who want to grow the record holder and they're gonna spend their money on those seeds, but hey: Think back a few years: It was the same with the Jolokia and some of those who were in it just for the big scoville numbers back then are now serious pepper growers, enjoying their new found hobby.