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Wow, the goods have hit the street. :) Sounds like good seed trade ammunition.

I don't think so. - Apparently they have an even hotter pepper in the works (but are holding it back), and once your seeds are ready for trade, no one will care about that world's second hottest pepper you have to offer.

I've made a fair amount of seed trades with my moruga-seeds this year, but if you factor in the premium i paid for the seeds, it wasn't worth it. Plus, now i have loads of moruga pods, and don't know what to do with them, they're just too bleeding hot, and I don't own a chemical weapons factory.

Now for my 10 cents on the situation: I've followed the other thread on this pepper close enough to know I won't do business with this dealer. Too much hype, too many attacks on the competition, obvious gold digger is obvious. I'll stick to legitimate seed-sources who've been in business for many years and sell me top quality at fair prices.

To all the people in this thread complaining about this new superhot, I get it, you're right, but also: calm down. Yes, there's gonna be lots of people who want to grow the record holder and they're gonna spend their money on those seeds, but hey: Think back a few years: It was the same with the Jolokia and some of those who were in it just for the big scoville numbers back then are now serious pepper growers, enjoying their new found hobby.
Hopefully monday Ed will answer all these questions and speculations that the haters have on this forum.

Its easy to call people haters but there are also lot of legitimate questions that should have easily been aswered, but Joe decided to turn this all into a circus act instead. Im anxious to hear more about this ancient ?Chinese secret and hopefully from Ed instead of second hand
Propably you all are taking that Guiness company too seriously.

We have and we have had a lot of doping in sports, where world records and championships were made under irregular conditions.
Why not Guiness world records under that same conditions.

If a lady shows up here large naturally boobies, why not helping whit some lbs of silicone ... and so on...

The Guiness people are they experts in pepper testing?
There comes a prof from a scientific institute called CPI, is there any doubt on his data? NO!!
There comes a prof from a scientific institute supporting HP22B, is there any doubt on his data? NO!!

They pay the fees for urgend processing and get the record if the values are high enough.
And thousands of simple minded people buy there products just to be able to say "I have" and "I have too", even if a package of seeds costs 12$ or more.

Like in sports, a world record doesn´t need continous reproduction over a period of time. A single event, with the highest value ever recorded, is sufficient to get the record.


46 bucks.......20,000 bucks

Quite a a range, somebody is misinformed.

Yeah, I would have tested years ago had I known..... Southwest Bio labs are good, and do most of the industry QC testing in New Mexico. Mike does HPLC
just about 24/7. They have the proper columns, expertise, and price.
Does it really matter?
Just tasted some bhut powder fresh out of the grinder.

Evil mutant me thinks, or grown next to a nuclear reactor.
Beat the snot out of the TS Moruga I tasted yesterday.

Every plant, every grow, every climate will be different to a greater or lesser extent.

The question should be, "yeah it's hot, but how does it taste?"

I figured that out with the Butch T.
I may only use it in Chili----with beans.
Superhot 1.4 mil shu vs Superhot 1.6 mil shu, it really does not matter. Both are going to make you feel like you just give the devil a bj and ripped out your guts. You get to a point were superhot is superhot.
Superhot 1.4 mil shu vs Superhot 1.6 mil shu, it really does not matter. Both are going to make you feel like you just give the devil a bj and ripped out your guts. You get to a point were superhot is superhot.

So when you do your pod reviews you feel like you gave the devil a bj? And you continue to do them?

Aside from all the controversy....

The customer service itself deserves a positive in my book.

I ordered some seeds from Ed (puckerbutt company) Thusday at 1am before I went to bed.
By 9am when I woke up I recieved an email saying they had been shipped out.
It's now Saturday and my wife called me at work to let me know they arrived at 10am this morning.

No matter how you feel about the "hp22b".. 57hours from "place order" to arrival (and I live on the opposite side of the country) is pretty respectable. Fastest I've ever experienced and I've ordered my fair share of seeds. I know I'm only 1 customer but I just thought I'd share my experience so far.

I'll also comment in on germination rates soon..

Again, until the facts are addressed I'm neutral when it comes to all the controversy, no matter how that goes, I'll still be excited to grow something new. Worlds hottest or not, I just like to grow. :cool:

Thanks for the seeds Ed.
Its easy to call people haters but there are also lot of legitimate questions that should have easily been aswered, but Joe decided to turn this all into a circus act instead. Im anxious to hear more about this ancient ?Chinese secret and hopefully from Ed instead of second hand
I speak the truth! It's going to be real funny when the so called questions get answered.
I don't know either pepper Joe or Ed, but I would think if there was no basis for their claims it would be close to the end of their business. With all this hype, if this pepper doesn't deliver it will be their own customers that can shut them down. They even have a place for people to rate what they get and the service. Sure, even if they have 10,000 packets at $10 each, they can make a whole $100,000. Yes, thats a whole lot of money, but grossing that much money in a year just makes for a good year of sales. The profit on those seeds goes quickly, so at best, they can be spending that money till the end of next year, but what then? Just the disgruntled customers that are on this forum can flood the internet with negative comments, on their sites and on sites like Dave's Garden, as well as the other gardening sites. Would Joe risk his entire existing business because he backed Ed in this venture? I would think there is some basis to what they say. If their pepper averages 1.4M, then it would be the pepper that holds a more consistant heat level, and to me, it would be the hottest for me to grow. For me, the bottom line is, how hot is a pepper going to be for me? Morugas may have been tested at 2 million Scovilles, but I am betting I have never grown one to be near that hot.
I think I can spend a whole $20 to get enough seeds to get some good plants up. If the taste is good, and they are at least as hot as my average Butch T or Moruga, I'll be happy. If they do average at around 1.4M, I'll be super happy. Yes, all this hype has been very commercial, but hea, these are people who are in business and the idea of being in business is to make money. If what they have is a good product, it will be worth having. If the product is not as they claim, the pepper community can do what it takes to make sure they don't do something like this again. If these people lie about what they have, and you are upset with the situation, then do something about it. Flood the market with seeds from your peppers at half the price, or give a bunch of them away for free. Posts like that show up in the search engines. People who have greenhouses can have peppers to test, and have collected their own seeds by the end of the year and will have a report before the spring seeds would go out. As I said, I don't think they would put themselves in a situation that could come to this. Time will tell, and the people who ARE willing to spend a few dollars will be able to tell the rest, the real story.
Well Butch T's DO avg at 1.4 million. Which is what makes them the hottest. MOrugas avg at 1.2 If this thing doesnt reach 1.5 it willnot be the hottest in almost everyones opinion. It has two options.... AVg 1.5m or peak at 2.1 mil... Thats it..
For people like myself that ordered and missed the free shipping, here is a message from Pepper Joe that I can share...

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Hey my friends at Joyners...[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]You can relate being in business.....YES I'm giving Free shipping. Till Sunday night at Midnight (no overseas or Canada...we would lose too much money on that) just prior to Press Release. Thought it would be a nice gesture for our THP friends and maybe soothe over the handful of people that think the price is high. But when you 'turn on....and turn off' an offer there will always be a few folks that just missed it. Just like a Sale at Wal-Mart or JC Penny's etc. For those folks I do send 2 packs of Free Seeds with every purchase...$8 value so they come out ahead as well.[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Thanks for inquiring,[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Pepper Joe[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]p.s.....if there are some complaints in posts....maybe you could post this response for me. THANK YOU for being a customer.[/background]
"[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)](no overseas or Canada...we would lose too much money on that)"[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Lol thats to funny, you can ship a pack of seeds world wide for under $2.[/background]
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