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huntsman's progress...

Just in case I'm a big deal someday, this is where and how it all began...

May 2009 - Patrick's enthusiasm convinces me that while I might not be a big game hunter, I might make it as a chilli farmer...

June 2009 - I join THP and learn that chillis actually have names, and are not just 'green' or 'red'...

July 2009 - I get my first batch of seeds from a local supplier and e-pals abroad,

September 2009 - The plants sleep 'out' for the first time!


Create a basic germinating bin,


Add the aforementioned seeds (Thanks again, guys!),


And my veg farming career begins...!

Looks good so far. Do you have your lights ready for the sprouts? I was told that germinating could take weeks so I didn't bother getting my lights and I had almost all of my seeds sprout in a few days and didn't have lights ready for them and had to make a made dash to get lights, but even a few days later they had already gotten leggy and thin stalks that took a while to correct.
Look forward to seeing your how it all goes my friend.

Not sure what sorta lights you have in mind, but I know I've and some folks I know have had good results with a simple double flourescent bulb "shop light" with plain old cool white bulbs. Or one cool white mixed with one flouro grow tube.

When are you planning on putting stuff outdoors there?
Hey, guys!

Here's the list...hold thumbs! (A beeeg thank you once again to the kind e-pals who swapped seeds with me. Only place in the world you openly swap pubes...Let's hope we all have great results!)



I do have the lighting nearing completion, just need to add some reflectors to the top and sides and figure on just where to put the set up!

I used 2 x 3' cool tubes that the local seedling nursery has used with success, - just hope it covers the two trays I have. (there's a second one below the first in that black bin) Hopefully I can plant outside second week of September at the latest, Boutros...

Small beginnings, I know, but hey! :lol:;)
Goldarn, LGHT!

I've been worrying that I won't be ready when the sprouts start arriving ever since reading your post, and ... THEY'RE HERE! Argh! :shocked::shocked::lol:

Habaneros and Cayennes have won the race to the surface, and I'm racing for the hardware store to finish the lighting! LOLOL!

PS Just decided that since the advent of the sprouts,I am no longer a n00b - hope that's ok?;)
give them as much light as you can...and remember, the closer the lights are to the tops of the sprouts the better (unless you are using lights that produce a lot of heat (such as HIDs or MHs)....

glad to see I am not the only one using excel for notes...
Nice work.
How much room outside do you have?
Also, the excel spreadsheet only showed to #38 for me. Looks like you have more after that?
origamiRN said:
Nice work.
How much room outside do you have?
Also, the excel spreadsheet only showed to #38 for me. Looks like you have more after that?

I have a wooden hut that I breed feeder insects in...


Ha! Well spotted, Ori! (edited)
Thanks for the kind words, fellas -

Nah, nothing yet, serrano. Local mail is the worst in the (fairly) civilised world, though...there's still hope.

Millworkman - replied via pm.:-)