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huntsman's progress...

Hey Huntsman, lookin damn good man! That's sweet how you just blew the doors off goin big on yer first year. Lookin forward to seein more!
Jimmy, I have probably 160 or so, but will certainly cull them when I start trying to find place in the garden for them!

Hey, Bout! I really wasn't sure how many would germinate properly, so figured rather too many than too few, eh? LOL!

Thanks, SS! - I'm really looking forward to the progress all the way to saving and sharing their seeds at the end of the season.
huntsman said:
Jimmy, I have probably 160 or so, but will certainly cull them when I start trying to find place in the garden for them!

Hey, Bout! I really wasn't sure how many would germinate properly, so figured rather too many than too few, eh? LOL

That is exactly what I did and now I have given away 30-40 and still have over 50 plants that's ending up being a LOT of work, but I have a ton of powder already and that's only from a few early fruiting plants.


17 September 2009...an inauspicious date with auspicious undertones....

Last night (17th) was the first night of Spring in Chilliland, and my chillifamily had all their lil' chillipals over for a sleep-over!

Here's a pic of how I tucked 'em all in just after sunset, and the little mites (sic!) must have had a wonderful day, because with all the excitement of the Rocotos meeting the Habaneros and the NuMex's celebrating with the choc fatalii's, everyone was sound asleep straight after dinner...


(Pic was obviously taken earlier in the day when they were still out playing in the warm sun.)

I'm very happy to report that all of the little'uns slept well, and have requested that they be allowed to continue sleeping outside...at least until Winter!

Doing the 'compost thang' the easy way...


...and then doing it the REALLY EASY way...!


I am sooo looking forward to this crop....

Here's the ones that have been potted up at least twice, and should thus make it ..!


huntsman said:
Not sure how clear it is from the pics, but each shelf has lights at different heights to the others, as these darn peppers are refusing to grow at the same rate, and just about each one requires a different height!

You need to stagger your planting times to accommodate the different grow rates. I found this out the same way you did :lol:. Bloody jalapeno's and cayennes grew WAY faster than my Habs did. I've learned to plant the slow growers a few weeks before the rest of them that way I won't have to deal with the lights as much.

Everything is looking fantastic though. It's only going to get better now that you're getting full sun on them.
Thanks, Blister!

I figure about three weeks max before 90% are in their final resting place, and then the fun begins with the organza bags...
Here's the latest from the newbie ranch...


...and they're in fairly good condition in general:


Still some yellowing of leaves and some curling on others, but so far, so good.;)

Those are black plastic grow bags - the kind that you generally see in nurseries. I am concerned that in the heat of summer those bags might allow too much heat to the roots, (no evidence mind you!) but for now they are a lovely, cheap option. Lolololol.
Yo Mr. GreenJeans! Fantastic looking plants Paul. How big of a smile do you have on your face when you walk out the door and see all this outstanding growth? Congrats man, your hard work is paying off.
Great setup HUntsman, you must get some high winds in south africa, if soo how do you protect the plants from high wind just move them to a wind protected area?