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huntsman's progress...

Peppermanbaha - I've never tasted a goat pepper, so I'm really looking forward to trying this variety from your country. :lol:

Hey Patrick! Thanks to you for getting me started, mate!

Nate, we do indeed get some strong winds, but I introduced all of the plants to the elements fairly gradually, so perhaps that has worked, but when they were small, I'd lift a wall of shade cloth around the table to help break the force. (Ha! Tried that last week but the bloody wind blew my poles down! Of course the shade cloth works like a sail in higher winds...Thank heavens damage was minimal, and a graft was performed on one of my CAPs that needed it)

Early days yet, Pepperfreak. LOL!

Hey Rich! Thanks, man!

Well, the first baby hit the soil in the garden today, and is an unidentified Serbian Sweet Pepper from Boutros ~ Thanks, mate! It's in pride of place next to my swimming pool...

With luck, I will have 90% of the plants in the pics in the ground by next weekend. Horse poo is in place, as are fences for the dogs, the soil is tilled and aerated, and trees have been cut back and composted for light and nutrients respectively.

I've found a good source of seabird and chicken guano, as well as a new supplier of growmix, which now costs me 8% of what I was originally paying. I add perlite and vermiculite and the new stuff becomes every bit as light and fluffy as the first.
Wow that's quite a sight! I stared for a long time. I love seeing bunches of plants.


Is this a pepper plant or ficus?
ABurningMouth said:
Wow that's quite a sight! I stared for a long time. I love seeing bunches of plants.

Is this a pepper plant or ficus?

DANG! You an FBI profiler, man?! :lol::lol: Not sure what that is, but it's one of my wife's bonzai's...probably a ficus or karee. Good spotting!
Man looking great Paul...give me a yell when you can.Would luv a lil help finding seeds local to you.Keep up the good burn!
Right on Paul! Looking forward to all your pics coming up man, but I can see you've got plenty to do right now. Helluva a job!
Thanks Buddy!

Rich, pm me with what you are looking for that is local. I have an account with the main seed producer in SA, so I can trawl their catalogue for you. ;-)
Thank you, Dyce51!

12 November was dedicated to transferring these all-consuming little buggers into the veg patch for the first time. (For 'Veg Patch', read Pepper & Tomato patch, with the rest jammed into a corner somewhere!)

The trees are down, and here's the result, complete with two tonnes of horse poo and a tonne of organic fertiliser...



Here's the world's largest chilli.....!


Yep, this was my birthday, and what better day to get the first peppers into the patch?! (I did plant one into dirt a short while ago, but that was into a pot)

A temporary walkway to avoid unnecessary compaction of the soil...

Oh, BTW, my wife had grabbed the 'pepper spirit', and found Pepper Jelly, Pepper Chocolate and a cool beer mug to keep me lubricated during pruning season, so that's what was in the giant pepper!

Here's me with the first of what you and I both know, will be a rather large number of plants...! Damned addictive hobby!


Here's a quick pair of pics just before a storm hit us...




and here is the next wave of 'youngsters' (on the tables) just waiting their turn...


I have now got 31 varieties in the ground, and space for just nine more. The rest will be jammed in every crevice around the homes of my family, and let's just say that Santa had better hire a 10 tonner this year...!

Thanks for taking the time to read this -
Yep just put a bow around 'em and they'll be ready.
I love your yarden. You're on the cutting edge.
That's what everybody in their right minds wants to do.
Woo Hoo it's like amazing.
I am Jealous too! I Hope that storm didnt do too much damage. If I had a Yard I would be doing exactyl what you are doing. Your Yard is right on top of a intersection with very low street light ive never seen street lights that low maybe they will shed some red ,green and yellow spectrum for ya :)

Well, I've certainly become a little addicted, Scott - mainly because of this bloody forum, and you lot 'down there' are even worse! :lol:

Thanks for the kind words fellas...

Yep the ol' veg patch is taking shape, but there's oodles to do yet. We dropped three pine trees that had been stealing water from the area for the past 36 years if the rings are to be trusted, but the stumps still needed to be dug out.

One down...


On goes the straw for mulching purposes...


...and here's a 4" Joe E. Parker....


... who says size is important??!

(Leaves showing damage from Halloween storms...Hailoween?!)

Nice going Huntsman looks like you going to have alot of work ccome harvest time ;).
Is there anything you need in way of seeds ? We could try again !?