Josh's Plants & Pods 2011

I don't really have too much of an update but I did make a bunch of isolation bags yesterday. I was getting tired of the small ones I have used the past 2 seasons. So...I made these big boys.

It took me quite a while because I don't exactly sew every day. They aren't the prettiest but they should get the job done. I was hoping to put them on today but it is raining.

Ok so I have been putting this bit of knowledge retrieval off till the time was near and it is.
First, that is tulle, correct?
Second, do you put that over the whole plant or just a branch and how do you secure it?
:eek: :tear:
dang sorry to hear that Josh

on a lighter note them bags look great....maybe you should become a seamstress :P

Thanks for the encouraging words.
Haha...I don't know, I broke 3 needles on the machine.

Ok so I have been putting this bit of knowledge retrieval off till the time was near and it is.
First, that is tulle, correct?
Second, do you put that over the whole plant or just a branch and how do you secure it?

You are right. That is tulle. I bought a roll at Walmart back in like '09. I just put it at the end of a branch. The bags I have used in the past were half as wide. You can see the center seem where I joined the two 1' wide pieces before folding it over and stitching the sides closed. I secure it to the branch with this green plastic tape-like stuff I bought at home depot. It is designed for gardening. It has some give which I think is a plus. I am sure you can just use string. You have to be a little careful so you don't crush the branch.
I took some pictures this evening and figured I would share. Nothing to exciting but what the heck. Chinense varieties are finally starting to get pods. High of 91 tomorrow but otherwise the temps are in the mid-high 80s. The plants should have no trouble setting pods.

Here is a overview of my two main beds...

Super Chili


Thai Orange Pods


Somewhat blurry picture of a Fatalii.

Kung Pao really starting to load up.

My other Bahamian Goat Pepper. The pods are still really small but they appear to be true to type. We will see how things turn out in a couple weeks. I sure hope they grow true.

Chocolate Bhut


Here are the plants behind my pool. They are doing pretty good under the circumstances. They don't receive a ton of sun. They also are splashed with chlorinated water from time to time.

From closest to furthest; Aconcagua, Super Red Pimento, Antillais Caribbean, Early Sunsation, and Ariane.

Antillais Caribbean

very nice. I just got back from the fabric shop with 5 yards of red tulle. Hoping the red should possibly help promote flowering/fruit.
very nice. I just got back from the fabric shop with 5 yards of red tulle. Hoping the red should possibly help promote flowering/fruit.

Sounds like a plan. I will warn you though. Prepare to be frustrated. Tons of flowers are going to drop in the bags and you are probably going to have to move them around a few times. This is my third year doing it and I do feel it is worth the effort though. Let me know how the red tulle works out for you. I chose white simply because it was what they had.
I am a bit overdue for an update so here goes...

I harvested some pods off my NOT Bahamian Goat Pepper.

Overall garden view. It has filled in quite a bit since my last update.

I had a large branch break on my Kung Pao plant. Here are the pods I salvaged. I threw away about 1/3 this amount. The pods were just too immature.

Here is a shot of my Thai Orange. The plant is fairly compact but loaded with pods.


Douglah X Scorpion Cross

A whole bunch of 7 Pod Primo pictures. These pods are pretty cool.

Great looking plants Josh. I love those Primos too, but I've yet to see one close to ripe. That and my Douglah are lagging.