JungleRain's 2010/2011 season

I'm about to start my new season this week and so far I'm about to sow;
also I have overwintered alot of last seasons varieties...

Updated 19th July 2011

C. Chinense Hybrids

Bhut Jolokia x Hab Wht Giant
Bhut Jolokia x Hab Red Mayan
Bhut Jolokia x PDN
Cuppucino Kapowie
Datil x Limon
Fatalii x Cleos Dragon
Fatalii x Peruvian Chinense
Fatalii Hybrid
Nagalone chocolate
T Scorp x Bhut Jolokia

C. Pubescens

Brown Rocoto
CGN 19243 Gondol
White Rocoto

C. Chinense

7 pot/pod Primo
Ajoema chocolate
Bhut Jolokia yellow strain 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow strain 2
Bhut Jolokia yellow strain 3
Big Bang Naga
Habanero Chocolate Twisted
Habanero Caribbean Red with tail
Habanero Condors Beak
Habanero Pink
Habanero Tixpehual
Habanero Vietnam
Hawaii Beach Pepper
Inca Glow
Monster Naga
Naga Bali
Mayamar Naga 1
Mayamar Naga 2
Scotch Bonnet Foodarama
Siling Labuto
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI yellow
Trinidad Scorpion green
Peito De Moca

C. Baccatum


C. Frutescens

CGN 16985 Parvoacuminatum
CGN 22817 Lombok

C. Annuum

CGN 17232 Emamapa
CGN 20506 Urka Bangla
CGN 23579 Kirmou
Cheese Pimento
Hot FIsh
Tiny Samoa
Bellingrath Gardens
Purple Flash
Marconi Golden


C. Ciliatum
Cumari Large
Pimenta do Interior do Brasil
Passarinho Parnif
4 Cores Do Santiago
Cumari Irregular
Cumari Do Werner
Pimenta Trepadeira Do Werner (this one should be very interesting... apparently it has the characteristics of a climber , vine. from Brasil)

still to be updated
Very interested to see how your "plantation" develops this year JR. ;) Best of luck to you this upcoming grow season. Looking forward to watching your progress.
Hi Grant,
Great list you have there guy, I wish you have a good harvest again :cool:
At last, I am happy cause you have even few Brazilian with you :lol:
Good luck my friend :cool:
Take care :)
Another great lookin list happening there JR.
Good luck with your season and looking forward to seeing the final list.

Happy Chilli Growing,
After your last season I thought you'd have to have a season or two off to eat all of the years peppers.

Like the list :)

Especially the Monster Naga and the Burmese Bhut Jolokia. Have you already gown these before?

Now how do I subscribe?