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just bought a new gun

today i went in to the local gun shop and noticed they had a stainless steel ruger mini 14 with 1 5rd mag and a 20rd mag. i have always wanted one, so i thought why not buy it. i will go out on friday with a couple friends and see how it shoots. the owner at the gun shop was nice enough to throw in 100 rounds of ammo for free so i aint complaining




since i posted pics of my new gun i thought i would show the trusty 30-06.
its a bolt action tikka t3 lite


Nice mini-14...too bad its a hard one to get here in CA...my cousin has a few but overall they are rarely seen in the shops (unlike NV, AZ, OR, CO, etc.)

Your Tikka looks eerily similar to my synthetic Weatherby Vanguard .270 WSM (Sorry no pics).. Same exact Bi-Pod and Nikon scope...no joke... (mine is a 3-9x40 Nikon Team Primos with the B.D.C. without the $$$ price tag)

I was talking with a guy today about the value priced Tikka's and how they are an amazing gun for the $...How does yours shoot?
Mate I like the ruger....I miss my semi autos......:( (Australian laws banned them in 96).

I love the tikkas. I have a M55 bolt action in 6mmPPC (target cartridge) and it is a beautiful rifle, with a Leuopold 6.5-20x target scope and synthetic stock.

Again, very nice rifles mate....
thanks for the good comments. i was really surprised when i saw it today because they are getting scarce around here. i do like my tikka alot. i have had it for under 5 years and it shoots like a dream. its one of my favorite rifles to shoot.
abf - nice mini, those are great guns & reliable now go get some yotes :)
just like you I picked up a new gun the other week, I've wanted this for awhile. not this make but had to settle & the only 308 left around here still at normal price (got it a little less $ though)
I havent shot it yet, waiting for scope to get in stock at the store.


abf303 said:
thanks for the good comments. i was really surprised when i saw it today because they are getting scarce around here.

its called " obamanation " everyone is renewing their permits to buy, then they'll buy the semi-auto rifles/pistols they want & they're flying off shelves right now.
many people are also renewing their permit to carry or are getting it for the 1st time.
AR308s are very hard to find right now & most are jacked up in price cuz people know theres a shortage. DPMS says up to 1 year wait, they're that swamped with orders.

if you want a couple more high cap mags better get'em now before the prices goes higher.

TheJollyRancher said:
I was talking with a guy today about the value priced Tikka's and how they are an amazing gun for the $...How does yours shoot?

savages are also great guns for the money.
I wish laws were different here in Australia. When i was growing up it was kind of mandatory to teach ones children how to aim a weapon and use it safely, many hours were spent "bonding" (read shooting the crap out of anything that moved, minus native species of course :) )
At the age of six i could hit an empty .22 cal shell at around a hundred feet (yes i used a scope!)
It sucks that gun laws get stricter year by year, after all only criminals own guns....right? Well at least that is how it seems here.
I wish this was a political forum sometimes, just so i could track down the do gooders..
Novacastrian said:
I wish laws were different here in Australia. When i was growing up it was kind of mandatory to teach ones children how to aim a weapon and use it safely, many hours were spent "bonding" (read shooting the crap out of anything that moved, minus native species of course :) )
At the age of six i could hit an empty .22 cal shell at around a hundred feet (yes i used a scope!)
It sucks that gun laws get stricter year by year, after all only criminals own guns....right? Well at least that is how it seems here.
I wish this was a political forum sometimes, just so i could track down the do gooders..

I'll respect the rules of the forum and NOT use political talk, but honestly sometimes I wish there was a place for it as long as people kept there cool and remained friends after the discussions. Like I said though. Won't talk politics. (However, do alot at home.) I think we as Americans have alot in Common with Australians though and sadly I see the same road being taken over here in short non-political talk though.;):(
Also, nice new gun by the way:cool: I kind of miss my M-4 that I had in the service with my aimpoint. Then again the AT-4 was kind of fun to shoot....Well, and the MK-19, M-203 grenade launcher, ect..lol!!
Nice new gun. I really like my guns and that is a real reliable piece there. After seeing that, I'm really glad that I didn't sell off my AR-15 like I was attempting to a few months back.
Novacastrian said:
At the age of six i could hit an empty .22 cal shell at around a hundred feet (yes i used a scope!)

saw a guy on TV shoot the vane off an arrow w/ a revolver open sights at something like 20 yards (dont know real distance)
1st time he said it wasnt good enough (but he got it) 2nd time he shot the vane off just like you'd strip the vane off with a fletcher stripper (showed it in slow motion :cool:) now thats some shooting!!

rabbit said:
I'll respect the rules of the forum and NOT use political talk

guns are not political, laws could be, but guns are a way of life & a sport & legal!
if you allow football & car racing talk, or talking about illegal drug use on a forum theres nothing wrong with talking about hunting or guns!

Pepperfreak said:
Nice new gun. I really like my guns and that is a real reliable piece there. After seeing that, I'm really glad that I didn't sell off my AR-15 like I was attempting to a few months back.

AR15 are 1 gun that has flooded the market (at least here) its easy to find those, still people are buying them. other AR calibers are scarce, I got lucky finding that R-25 (new deer gun) but I'd rather have a LR-308AP4 :)
When I was in elementary school (40 years ago) we could take guns to school. In fact, my 8th Grade show and tell was a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. Another guy brought a Bow & Arrow.

All guys carried knives, though most of them were pocket size. Case XXX was the favorite.

This thread is horrible! Ya'll are forcing me to break out the .375 H&H Remmington 700 Alaskan SS and take naked pictures of it. I may have to tittilate you further with ammo pics too!

Cheers ya'll, TB.
I've been meaning to purchase a gun off the grid at a local gun show....it's always good to have a few guns unregistered for when the cops come to take them away from everybody.
Very nice, but imo, rather have the real wood Ruger in 30-06 like I grew up with. ;)

Walnut, made in 1940's I think, hand carved, 8x scope...good times.

Sucker'd blow flame 6" out the end on homemade shells....and take the P outa pespi cans at 300 yards. heheh.
thanks for all the comments. i was able to get out and shoot it with a few friends today and i am already lovin it. gonna have to buy some more rounds and go out agian tommarow
just recently bought a new gun a few weeks ago, its a sig sauer revolution stx .45
man i am loving the way this gun shoots and how accurate it was out of the box.


