i like me some tillahs too

no really though;..
tomato and basil and flour
spinach and flour
garlic and sun dried tomato and flour
all them other newer flour and something else tortillas now widely available
oh, and whatever them delicious pitas are made with
and naan too!
and Gua bao / Bao bun
so many things can be "tacoficated"
i'm forgetting so many still
i just know it

oh what about that Ethiopian sourdough flatbread
Injera i think its called
so many more things that can be made a TACO
i don't think i've ever tried a wrap, burrito,taco, tapas, injera?
even Toast

that wasn't delicous,
The choice of things inside the taco might not have always been delicious
but it wasnt the Taco part that i didnt like
like ever.
whoever genius came up with toast...

"damn thats good !..
cook it again


some breads though, IMO are just...
even better when
toasted, roasted, or griddle 'd
i think
you can make
even your mom's spaghetti
into a taco
if you
Taco-fying / tacofication
its not a bad thing.
and nearly always makes it
same or better

why not make it into a taco/sammich/quesadilla
if you can taco-fy it
they will come
and buy it
# hashtag anything is a taco if you try hard enough