where them fish tacos at ?Edmick said:Damn GIP got me craving fish tacos. So fish tacos it is tonight!
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:where them fish tacos at ?
luvmesump3pp3rz said:lettuce.
it`s an integral part.
of the universe.
and tacos.
get over it.
Edmick said:Lol yup pretty much. They turned out pretty good though. That jalapeno queso sauce I got wasn't the best. Hardly had any flavor at all.
Ashen said:I am guessing some secret paprika went in there too.
If eating asparagus with bbq is a 10, what is this? A 27?
I would still eat it though because cast iron and pork.
InterContinental ballistic butt rocket blast off.