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Hey ya'll once again from the big dry ditch in Las Vegas. I was going to grill today but ahhh...a little too hot once again. Maybe tomorrow will be more appropos. My gal had bought some very nice ground beef to make some sliders but she changed her mind as usual and opted instead for spinach/cheese ravioli with garlic cream sauce instead. Of course I was enlisted to do the cooking. So what to do with the ground beef? I have peppers. I have cheese. Duh..como se dice en espanol....poppers!!
Ground beef, japs, 4 cheese Mexi mix, shallots, Lawry's and fresh ground pepper. Here tis. Notice the melon ball tool I use to deseed. Works perfect.

The mix.



Have a great holiday ya'll....and cheers!!! Texas Bluesman
PwnedPepper said:
anyone else make some poppers? it woul dbe a shame to let this thread die...

Damn, I messed up. I should have posted the superhot poppers on here instead of starting a new thread. They were awesome. I could only eat 5 the first night though. They were a mix of AJ's superhots. If anyone missed it and wants to see the pics I think the thread was calles AJ's Superhot Poppers.
In Germany we usually have a big dinner on the Christmas days. On Christmas Evening we usually have some nice snacks in the evening after church and before we give each other our presents. Wanna know what my wife ordered for this year's Christmas Evening? Habanero poppers!:onfire::lol:
Armadillo said:
In Germany we usually have a big dinner on the Christmas days. On Christmas Evening we usually have some nice snacks in the evening after church and before we give each other our presents. Wanna know what my wife ordered for this year's Christmas Evening? Habanero poppers!:onfire::lol:

Don't you guys celebrate Krampus Day as well?
imaguitargod said:
Don't you guys celebrate Krampus Day as well?

We have St. Nikolaus day on December 6th. St. Nikolaus, in the States known as Santa Claus, comes to the schools and kindergartens and homes. The kids recite a poem or sing a christmas song and tell him they have been nice all year and then they get a little present. Krampus, in some areas also known as Knecht Ruprecht, is his assistant. They play the game good cop bad cop. Krampus is the punisher for the not so nice kids. Well, usually he just gives some fierce looks... On Christmas Santa Claus isn't in charge in Germany. The "Christkind" is on duty then. The Christkind is a blend of the new born Jesus and a nice little angel usually shown with wings and on the famous "Christkindl"-markets traditionally played by a girl. Then there is the "Weihnachtsmann". He is the German adaption of the US Santa Claus on Christmas but not called Santa Claus because St. Nikolaus has already been on duty on December 6th... In eastern Germany, the former German Democratic Republic, they had the Russian Socialist "Väterchen Frost" because they needed someone for the kids without a religious background. Quite a big staff? Iceland does it better. They have 13 Christmas trolls coming and going so they have 26 days to celebrate. And nowadays they added Santa Claus.
Had some leftover duck meat that I added garlic, shallot and mushroom. Gave it a shot of soy and ginger, added cheese to the mix and then stuffed into the japs. Into the oven at 400. Sorry no pics. I drizzeled a little blue cheese dressing over the top of them and ate them like candy. Tres bon!

Cheers, TB.
I use frozen jalapenos for poppers quite often especially in the winter. I freeze them ready to stuff so it's easy, I don't thaw the peppers they thaw as they bake. I've never had a problem with them being too soft or whatever, they don't last long enough to tell.
pepperfever said:
I use frozen jalapenos for poppers quite often especially in the winter. I freeze them ready to stuff so it's easy, I don't thaw the peppers they thaw as they bake. I've never had a problem with them being too soft or whatever, they don't last long enough to tell.

Do you vacuum seal them before freezing? How do they stay in shape?
This is what I'm bringing to the potluck tomorrow. I wrapped them in bacon and they're in the oven now...and it's 1:21 am. They took forever to make, i didn't have any gloves so i had to be careful and slow :(

I'll post finished pics

Those green ones are Jalapenos? The other ones habs? I hope it's a chilihead potluck and that no old lady will choke on her teeth for unexpected heat...
Armadillo said:
Do you vacuum seal them before freezing? How do they stay in shape?

I don't. I don't see the need to unless you wanted to store them for more than a year or so. I just pop 'em into the freezer and after a few hours they're frozen solid. In fact, in a potato gun a frozen jalapeno could be considered a very dangerous projectile
Txclosetgrower said:
This is what I'm bringing to the potluck tomorrow. I wrapped them in bacon and they're in the oven now...and it's 1:21 am. They took forever to make, i didn't have any gloves so i had to be careful and slow :(

I'll post finished pics


Nice! Very very nice!

Cheers, TB.
I was left with 2 jalapenos. The rest vanished immediately. My boss's boss claims to have eaten 15 lol. God those things are so good you'd think they should be illegal.
This thread should come with a drool warning!
TB, thanks for getting this all started. I'm still salivating over your original pics. My local farmer's market sells the biggest japs I've ever seen. I think I'm going to try stuffing them with some chorizo and cheese and wrap them with prosciutto.
Damn, drooling again. I'd better get started.
StoneySauce said:
This thread should come with a drool warning!
TB, thanks for getting this all started. I'm still salivating over your original pics. My local farmer's market sells the biggest japs I've ever seen. I think I'm going to try stuffing them with some chorizo and cheese and wrap them with prosciutto.
Damn, drooling again. I'd better get started.

Muchas Gracias Stoney...I live only to serve.

Cheers, TB.
stupid thread about poppers. i was reading this yesterday and couldn't help but get some jalapenos, cream cheese, mexican cheese blend and bacon when I was at the store. Usually I grill them, but since its only 20F I tried the oven method. Put them in at 375F for 20 minutes and they came out good. Wife had like 1 or 2 - I'm like are you going to have any more and she said nope. I was very happy more for me.
I picked up some beautiful japs and some very nice shrimp last minute today for tonights Christmas eve culinary journey. Alas, the gal who was/is making tamales for the traditional Christmas eve supper won't be making them til late tonight. They are alot of work and it's best to have a big party to churn out heaps. I have about 2 dozen coming. I traded her smoked salmon and hot sauce for the tamales. Back to the poppers....I haven't decided completely what to marry the shrimp with for the stuffing but I'll post pics and info when the 'thang goes down. We'll be cookin' with gas and gettin' down in the Blues Kitchen!

Cheers ya'll, TB.