Moyboy's first good harvest 15/02/09

I started way to late this season and had big problems with sprouts and lost heaps so I am a bit behind compared to this time last year (I would have been on to my 3 good sized harvest).

Oh Well.....


1. Numex Twlight
2. Orange habs (they were meant to yellow habs:()
3. Naga Morich (I have about 30 green ones on the plant)
4. Black Pearl
5. Fatalii
6. Hot Lemon (love this chilli and I have hundreds more on the plant)
7. Jalapeno
8. Bolivian Rainbow
9. Dorset Naga (plant is going slow but now has hundreds of flowers)
10. Star Burst
11. Hungarian Hot Wax (The plant had about 30 more on it soon to be ripe - Poppers coming on)
12. Golden Cayenne (Love this chilli, and the kids like it as well. Very prolific)
13. Chilli Fire (type of Cayenne, nice heat good flavour)
14. Siam (going to use these and the rest that will ripen soon for sweet chilli sauce)
15. Goats weed
16. Lilac Cayenne (Good flavoured Cayenne, and look cool when purple)

I'm not planning on growing the Numex Twlight, Blivian Rainbow, Starburst or black pearl next season as I think they are a waste of space and the flavour is like something I pulled out of the gutter....IMO....

Everything else will be over wintered and I will add a few different Jals to the list.....
nice harvest Moyboy...hope you get a lot more before season is over...
Very nice looking spread there Moy! Looks like you will have more work to do dealing with all those peppers. That will ultimately cut way too deep into your drinking time. I can help you out with that. Just send those babies to me.

Cheers, TB.
Nice harvest and picture. Well done on the labeling and comments! I hate guessing when I see the group pics. :)
Hey leave that little Naga alone!!
My Dorset plant is getting fruckin huge MoyBoy, it experianced A LOT of flower drop, nearly enough to make you cry!
It now has 9 pods on it and like you said hundreds of flowers, i think we will just get in with them before the season is over.

Where did you get the "yellow hab" seeds from?
That Golden Cayenne sounds great, i am growing it next year. I was going to grow the Bolivian Rainbow as well but after your assesment i will scrap that idea.
Looking good mate:)
What do the golden cayennes taste like? A lot different than regular cayennes?

Mate, I would say yes. They are milder in flavour to the regular cayenne and not as hot. But in saying that, I truely love them, as they have a small hint of almost sweet/citrus, and the kids love them. I put them in most things I cook for them....and I will be drying the rest for sure.

Pam said:
Nice harvest.

Is the Hot lemon a baccatuum?

You are correct Pam. I'm not sure of it origins?

texas blues said:
Very nice looking spread there Moy! Looks like you will have more work to do dealing with all those peppers. That will ultimately cut way too deep into your drinking time. I can help you out with that. Just send those babies to me.

Cheers, TB.

Thanks so much for the concern, but I will juggle the chillis and the drinking to the best of my ability...I will leave work early if I have to...:D
Novacastrian said:
Hey leave that little Naga alone!!
My Dorset plant is getting fruckin huge MoyBoy, it experianced A LOT of flower drop, nearly enough to make you cry!
It now has 9 pods on it and like you said hundreds of flowers, i think we will just get in with them before the season is over.

Where did you get the "yellow hab" seeds from?
That Golden Cayenne sounds great, i am growing it next year. I was going to grow the Bolivian Rainbow as well but after your assesment i will scrap that idea.

Yeah, my dorset lost heaps of flowers but it coming back strong and is growing really big.

The orange hab (that was meant to be yellow) I got as a baby from bunnings....I should have known better than to rely on their word.....I wouldn't have gone out of my way to get another orange hab plant as I still have 2 shopping bags full from last year, and that's after all the ones I gave you, and eating heaps, and drying hundreds....:scared:

I don't mind the ornimentals for the colour but in practical terms, they are a waste of space IMO. They don't taste that good so I wouldn't use them fresh or in cooking or for sauce making....and I would rather have nice pretty flowers out the front of the house instead of these chillis if I want good colour.

Armadillo said:
Nice harvest! Don't panic! It's just the start.

Oh but I am panicing.....I had no idea the Hungarian hot wax was so prolific.....:lol: not to mention the Bhut's, 7 pots, devils tounges, white bullet habs and 5 varieties of Capsicums that are close to ripening...

klyth said:
Your Fatalii's look really orange. Mine were bright yellow, like the lemon drop you got there.

Klyth, I was thinking the same thing, they do have a bit of an orange look to them so I'm not sure what the go is? They sure do taste and look like fatalii's. I got the seeds from 'tomatogrowers'....
moyboy said:
Klyth, I was thinking the same thing, they do have a bit of an orange look to them so I'm not sure what the go is? They sure do taste and look like fatalii's. I got the seeds from 'tomatogrowers'....

Maybe they are cross bred with maters? :shocked:
moyboy said:
Klyth, I was thinking the same thing, they do have a bit of an orange look to them so I'm not sure what the go is? They sure do taste and look like fatalii's. I got the seeds from 'tomatogrowers'....

The ones I got from AJ got more orange as they got more ripe.

Nice harvest there moyboy, you guys are killing me over here its still like 2 weeks til plant out :(
Nice harvest there Moyboy!
You say you are running behind, but I think the whole lot of Australia is(stupid weather).

Got an overwintered fatalii that this year seems to be orange when last year he was bright yellow!!??? Very strange.
