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Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

A little update.

My neighbors are buttholes. I come home today and there's white powder and what appears to be cat hair all over my bhut jolokias and orange habs. I live on the first floor and the dummies upstairs must be emptying or shaking out their vacuum off their deck which is right above me and my plants. No real harm done i guess, but damn is it annoying. One time it was cigarette ashes. So, as if that wasn't bad enough, i forgot to check what was in my gallon sprayer, and as i'm washing off the plants, i smell neem oil.:mad: Ugh! No worries, i had a few plants that needed some neem and i made do. What a dummy i am though.

After that i refilled the bottle with a little seaweed (a tad), some epsom salt, and water. I figure a little neem oil can't harm anything, but i proceeded to use the epsom salt mix to wash off the neem i didn't actually need. The plants actually needed a spraying so this worked out alright.

What i can't understand is, why after having such a slow growing season am i now beeing bombarded with fruit? My orange hab that had 4 total pods all summer, is now LOADED with new fruit. Same with my bhuts who went from nothing to TONS. Argh! At least i know i have decent plants i can overwinter. So i guess that's good. :)
Frost warning last night. boooo.


fineexampl said:
Frost warning last night. boooo.

Good thing you brought them in. Friday morning my car had frost on it and you could see the frost on everyone's lawn on the drive to work.
Wow man those are some massive plants. They make that planter look tiny! I hadn't seen this thread before man so I went back to the beginning and on page two I saw a pic that looked EXACTLY like the problem I had at the beginning this year too


(from page 2)

Did you ever figure out what caused it? I never did catch that was doing it, but i did keep finding thrips in my flowers so I suspect they may be the culprit. Mine eventually grew out of it as I see yours did :lol:

Anyway good luck with the frost man.
Txclosetgrower said:
Wow man those are some massive plants. They make that planter look tiny! I hadn't seen this thread before man so I went back to the beginning and on page two I saw a pic that looked EXACTLY like the problem I had at the beginning this year too


(from page 2)

Did you ever figure out what caused it? I never did catch that was doing it, but i did keep finding thrips in my flowers so I suspect they may be the culprit. Mine eventually grew out of it as I see yours did :)

Anyway good luck with the frost man.
I think i figured out it was a combo of poor nutrients and some spider mites and aphids. I got hit kinda hard with them for a while. The plant in that pic is my chocolate habanero which NEVER had a single fruit. It looks loads better now with a TON of flowers, but none will set fruit. I'm going to try and overwinter it and see what happens in the spring. Shame to throw it away.

Today since i'm ending my season, i cut all the leaves off the bhuts and the hab so i can try to force them to ripen and cut them back for the winter. I've decided to "bonchi" the orange hab instead of the bhut as it has more treelike branches and is rather woody. So yeah, now i have 2 chile plants with nothing bbut branch and fruit. They're getting a nice bath right now with the rain. 66 degrees outside so it's good for them. Besides, my black pearl was dusty as hell. It needed a washing.

I'll have pics later on.

I also got my miracle fruit seedling in the mail today. I need a better growing medium and fert for acid loving plants, but it seems healthy, but definitely NOT 8 months old as advertised. Still, it appears healthy overall.
my leftover baby habs and my unripened bhuts seem to be ripening fine now i've pruned them back to concentrate on fruits only. they don't look distressed or anything so i should be okay. hard to tell with no leaves. i have a water meter i can use though. so far they're good.

i harvested my black pearl. i got i think 17 really ripe pods, some of which had corked. I have no immediate use for them so i slit them all and popped em in the dehydrator. i'll save some seeds and use the rest for powdering. i still have some black ones on there that need to grow more and ripen.

my hands smell like fish guts and bat shit. my box of Fox Farm Peace Of Mind for acid loving plants arrived. i wonder if my miracle fruit will grow?? i know hippyseed neil was trying to get seeds. no idea if he ever got any or got any growing. i'll have to msg later on. i need to get a better planting medium. i have it right now in a lousy 50% peat, 50% various and sundry potting soil i had kicking around to which i added a ton of pearlite. In lieu of a greenhouse, i took the cover off my 100ct DVD cakebox and put it on top to keep things wet. I just gave it a top dressing and a bit more water with the new fert and switched the PH meter on to see how we do. the soil i had was way way too alkaline. apparently these buggers cannot get enough acid and nitrogen. we'll see how it does. My goal is fruit in less than a year, even if just one berry.
fineexampl said:
my hands smell like fish guts and bat shit. my box of Fox Farm Peace Of Mind for acid loving plants arrived. i wonder if my miracle fruit will grow?? i know hippyseed neil was trying to get seeds. no idea if he ever got any or got any growing. i'll have to msg later on. i need to get a better planting medium. i have it right now in a lousy 50% peat, 50% various and sundry potting soil i had kicking around to which i added a ton of pearlite. In lieu of a greenhouse, i took the cover off my 100ct DVD cakebox and put it on top to keep things wet. I just gave it a top dressing and a bit more water with the new fert and switched the PH meter on to see how we do. the soil i had was way way too alkaline. apparently these buggers cannot get enough acid and nitrogen. we'll see how it does. My goal is fruit in less than a year, even if just one berry.

I'm definitely going to be following this, Miracle Berry has been on my want to grow list for a couple years. Have you seen the freeze dried tablets you can get on the internet? I'm going to order some soon, apparently miraculin is too volatile to ship fresh or frozen berries, but freeze drying preserves it. Anyway, good luck with that. Where did you get your plant from?
Txclosetgrower said:
I'm definitely going to be following this, Miracle Berry has been on my want to grow list for a couple years. Have you seen the freeze dried tablets you can get on the internet? I'm going to order some soon, apparently miraculin is too volatile to ship fresh or frozen berries, but freeze drying preserves it. Anyway, good luck with that. Where did you get your plant from?
i got a "8mo old seedling" (yeah, right) on ebay for about $18. Some local asshat wanted to charge me $30 for a 1 year old plant plus $50 shipping. Seeds are hard to germinate. This is the lowest cost option i found short of finding someone with a plant for cuttings. you should grab one and grow with me to see what works and doesn't. this little bugger is from thailand.

here he is as i have him now.


Here's my pearl drying

Here's some habs ripening
What kind of habs are those? Only a few look like a hab imo, but I'm not trying to say that you are wrong - I'm just curious!
Chiliac said:
What kind of habs are those? Only a few look like a hab imo, but I'm not trying to say that you are wrong - I'm just curious!
I honestly do not know. I bought the plant from Lowes and it just labeled it as "habanero". The plant grew decently, but small. The pods were small and thicker flesh and changed to a deep orange color. They are painfully hot too. I saved seeds somewhere. These pods are the result of cold weather and late proper growth of my own fault. I've heard some comments here they resemble carribean something or other. So if it were warmer, i think these pods would've grown bigger, but i'm just glad they grew at all. Bonchi coming soon from this little bugger!:)
I mixed my own planting medium tonight. I had my miracle fruit seedling in some old potting soil, but it must not have been good because it kept getting moldy. I finally was able to track down a bag of JUST peat moss from Canada with no additives, just 100% peat. Perfect! In a baggie i mixed 50/50 peat and vermiculite to which i added about 1/8 cup Peace Of Mind: Acid Loving Plants fertilizer. Back in with the seedling and bottom watered in warm H20. I think i'll be bottom watering exclusively with this bugger to try for no mold. I hope this does what i want it to. I just want the little bugger to grow. At least this time it's in a high acid environment and i know what's been added. I'm going for organic growing here if i can.
I let them ripen for a LONG ass time, and now here they are. The season ended too soon for me, so some didn't finish properly. Still, here they are. Jersey grown bhut jolokia peppers!

Just picked and aligned to show the prettiest parts.

Cut open to go into the Nesco. That there is the Knife Of Doom. Used on all my superhots. This time i remembered to wear my gloves.

The premature births. These are now chillin in a container with some nanners to see if they ripen more. The middle guy is drying though. He looked ready.
Josh said:
Looking good man. Hopefully my NJ Bhuts look as good next season.
I hope so too. I just wish i had more time in the season with proper growing methods. I would have had WAY more than just 9 total full grown pods. The amount of flowers i had late into the season was crazy.