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Patrick's Grow Log

Vermiculite holds water while perlite repels it, but both help aerate and loosen soils and both are bad to breath in.
It has been just over two weeks so I decided to update things with some photos. Sorry about the wait.

First up is a group shot of some of the plants on the right side.


Now a couple from the left side. Left pepper is a Trinidad Scorpion and the one on the right is a 7 Pot.


On the left a Bhut Jolokia, right another Trinidad Scorpion. Both of these are close to two feet tall.


A pair of Aji Limon's.


More to come....
My lone Lemon Drop.


My two Jimmy Nardello's Sweet Italian. These two have seen some good growth since I put them in the pot 15 days ago.


Another Bhut Jolokia. Less than one month ago this plant was pretty much stripped of all leaves except about a dozen small to medium sized ones on the top and four or five huge leaves running down the stalk. After I took those off this sweetie took off!


And lastly the Naga Morich twins. I've been pinching buds off of these two for a while now. Still under 18 inches so I'll probably continue pinching them for a while.


Thanks for stopping by.
Plants are looking good Patrick! Have you seen any Lemon Drop flowers yet? I got my first two a few days ago, and they are really beautiful. I'd never seen a baccatum flower before, and I was really excited. Too bad my camer doesn't do well with macro pics!

Your Bhut is looking really good too. Glad to see it came out of the strip club alright!!
Thanks 5*. There are two flowers getting close to opening on the Lemon Drop. I'll see if I can get a couple of good shots. My macro is hit and miss. Suppose if I ever learned how to use the camera correctly I could take some good shots. :oops:
Excellent! I actually just went and checked mine, and I had one open. Managed to get a decent shot of it, and I'll stick it up in that macro pics thread. Glad they're about to pop for ya Patrick. Post the pics if you have any luck getting some good shots.
Thanks for the kind words folks.

The bags are doing what they were advertised to do. I don't think I'll be using them again though. Every time I pick one up to move it the growing mix gets shifted around. Doesn't seem to be hurting the plants any just doesn't feel right.

This has been a very good learning year so far.
Yeah, I agree moving them can be weird. I have some sorta felty/cloth ones that supposedly have the feature of maintaining capillarry contact w/ the ground. Seen friends have great sucess with them outdoors but they were unmoved generally. It's always fun to try somethin new.
It's working!! This putting seeds in the dirt thing works!

Thought I would update things with a few pics.

First off is my Aurora pepper, seeds courtesy of Armadillo. Dig these purple peppers.


Flowers and buds on one of the Bhut Jolokia plants.


Naga Morich. Lots of little pods beginning to show up.


Aji Limon. These plants are going to town.


More to come.............
Trinidad Scorpion. Starting to put the buds on big time. Oh Boy!


And finally my only Jalapeno plant. It was the first to produce a pod and has the largest. A couple of them have reached the two inch mark.


That's it for now. Thanks for all the help folks.
Outstanding Patrick! The plants 50 miles south of you are doing well also. Vacation next week so might have time for another NE grow log.
great looking plants Patrick...and am glad you are going to have a great season (it looks like)...eat heat....repeat!
Great progress patrick. Soon you'll be buried in ripe pods. :)

That Aurora must be very closely related to a Bolivian Rainbow; pretty pods.

Is that a melon I spy to the right in that scorpion pic?
Silver_Surfer said:
Great progress patrick. Soon you'll be buried in ripe pods. :)

That Aurora must be very closely related to a Bolivian Rainbow; pretty pods.

Is that a melon I spy to the right in that scorpion pic?

I'm going to guess its a cuke! Great job on your plants Patrick!:cool: