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photography Pet picture thread!

She believes I'm her personal chew toy.
But not really.
She plays with me like she's playing with another dog.
And then.
Shit happens.

Guilty as hell!

I can't take Trouble to my dear sweet mothers house in Georgetown.
Because she will try to herd her and her guy Ken.
They're in their 80's.
Even missylou nipped my mother on the ankles.
I didn't know that she drew blood until I found out weeks later.
Y'all have to understand.
They make wonderful companions.
And will protect your home and the flock.
But take away the flock.
And you are the new flock.
To be herded.
And manipulated.
In reality.
They are smarter than us.
And I wouldn't change a 'thang about Trouble.
Just found this thread. I guess I'll introduce my two pets.
This is Paco. We rescued him about 3 years ago. He's about 6-7 years old now and he's a big chicken. He acts tough when it comes to cats, but when he catches up to them, he just stands there. He has serious anxiety issues, so we are just alike. Lol.

This is Alice Pacino. She will be 6 the first week in July. We got her when she was three months old. Big, fat, lazy dragon who likes raspberries. Except for the raspberries, we are just alike, too. Lol. She doesn't do anything and hates being out of her tank. She turns a bright orange when she's really warm.
Beauty and cuteness reveal themselves and come to us in many forms.
That dadgum lizard!!!!
I have geckos and toads that live under the concrete slab of my back porch.
Bug killin' machines.
That lizard...
Mango killer.
If she likes raspberries...
I bet she'd love mango.
And june bugs!
Or does she not get down like that?
With the meat.
Or is she a hippy vegan lizard?
Like my next door neighbor.
Only without the rainbow and dolphin tatts.
The moles.
The dreads.
And that f**kin' shitty adopted bitch ass excuse of a cat!
Which once was just a cat as cats are.
And she turned that cat into HER!
Even the squirrels and redbirds talk shit and make jokes.
That cat jumps on our fence.....
mrs. blues dog Trouble has this to say...
"Hold my beer bitch!"
Trouble can jump 6 feet vertically banging against my backyard fence. 
Aussie Shepards.
You're right about both! She's an omnivore AND she likes mango. Well, we've never actually tried fresh mango, but she likes the dried. For protein, she eats SuperWorms. If you don't know, they're kind of a larger meal worm. She used to eat crickets until I put a grip of them in her tank and she got overwhelmed and ran. Lol. Now she hates them. SuperWorms are easier, anyway. But usually Spinach, Arugula, shredded carrots, and raspberries completes her normal salad. Sometimes radishes. We used to feed her only mustard greens for the main part of her salad, but they started looking crappy at the store. Lettuce has no nutritional value and cabbage is poisoness to them.

Haven't tried June bugs. I'm sure you're right! They'd probably crunch just right in her mouth. They warn you not to collect bugs from outdoors due to the fact they may have ingested some type of bug-killing poison. Makes sense. I spread that sh!t everywhere.
This is TV Rat Patrol.
Loved it as a kid.
And this....
Is the real rat patrol.
Dogs at work killing vermin.
I warned you.
Awesome dogs!
With live squeeky toys!!!!
Have mercy!
I love my squirrels. 
That live just outside my backyard.
Trouble would have a problem with this flick.
Trouble caught her first opossum last week.
At 3am.
After waking me up.
Of course it played possum dead.
She was very upset.
But not because she thought she killed it accidently.
But because the possum didn't want to play anymore.
I will steal my dear sweet wife's dog for my own.
I covet Trouble.
Had to share this little snap from today. We walked for miles today to my favorite bakery, to the park for the World Music Festival and a Global Peace Picnic, had a beer by the lagoon, then circled back and down a trail that was built on an abandoned rail road track. The these doggos are my world and the picture reminds me that we don't wander to escape from life, but rather so life doesn't escape from us.  (its an anonymous quote about traveling that I altered for our weekend meanderings),