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arachnoboards.com :) mostly tarantulas but other arachnids, myriapods (centipedes and millipedes), and even an area for things with spinal chords :D ..and random stuff.
cords? hah arachnids, myriapods are invertebrates and don't have spines. i was gonna just type spines but i didn't want anyone thinking spikes since i was talking about bugs haha. the section is called not so spineless wonders and people post things about any kind of pets with spines.
Does he ever kill spider’s man?
In his head, spiders lay
Don’t give a crap, about mail guys?
Look out
Here comes xgrafcorex man

Sorry for the delay Marco,
Its tought to rhyme with xgafcorex, though:lol:
Hey Mr. X, can you fill me in on the handle bro?
hahah twas a valiant effort good sir!

well graf is short for graffiti...something i've been into for a while..though i've been pretty inactive the last few years. and core was short for hardcore ala i was all about graffiti..which has since changed i guess..but i made the name in high school when i got into the graf thing and kept it since so as not to lose contact with all the people i knew. easier than trying to notify everyone you know that you aren't going to be using an email address and screenname. i've got some pics of things i've done if you all are interested...mind you i'm not an insane artist..but i am alright.

was mostly into graffiti and before that i couldn't draw a damn thing....after years of doing graffiti i branched out to experiment and have since gotten into graphic design, charcoal, acrylics, stenciling, and thats about it so far...haven't gotten around to oil on canvas yet.

unfortunately for myself and my portfolio...i'm not as into making art as i am into my other hobbies such as guitar and keeping arachnids. maybe i should go back for biology... :)
OH OH! Post pics, please! I went to the Art Institute of Cleveland for Comic Book and Animation classes, having been doing computer art since '89, and been a graphic designer for the past 3 years...I LOVE ART! Me want to see now!
V informative answer above, grafcore. As you may imagine, I'd just watched Mr Kidd and Mr Wint kill a dentist in Diamonds Are Forever.

Mrs Shooty* wishes to inform you all that she's eaten snake curry when she was about 10 in Kenya, and thought it tasted like chicken.

My weirdest is probably camel. A friend of mine owns a bar, and was trialing an "extravagant meats" type thing. It was a camel satay/ kebab thing, as memory serves. Frogs, snails, etc, are normal fare :P

Oh, and we've both eaten at Taco Bell at some point. Do we get awards for bravery?
imaguitargod said:
OH OH! Post pics, please! I went to the Art Institute of Cleveland for Comic Book and Animation classes, having been doing computer art since '89, and been a graphic designer for the past 3 years...I LOVE ART! Me want to see now!

most everything i have on my comp is graffiti in various mediums...and i guess my photography portfolio in constant growth hah. i'll have to dig up some cds with graphic design work...i'll admit i haven't been up on it lately.

shooty...in some countries people eat fried tarantulas! sounds pretty nasty to me. there really isn't much meat at all. http://www.rhymer.net/New Folder/spiderboy/spiderplate.htm
Anija said:
That corel snake is beautiful! Wonderful color!

sorry i missed this before..but the black and white one with the white stripe down its back is a king snake..and the other three are all corn snakes. :P
Shooty* said:
Oh, and we've both eaten at Taco Bell at some point. Do we get awards for bravery?

Wow...you are brave. They just got busted here for serving Grade "F" meat....and Grade "D" meat is for dog food, just for a reference point.
ewwww... Damn. Mine was in Santa Cruz... will ask Mrs where she ate hers.

I think it was soy substitute in SC: they're all vegans over there, no? :mouthonfire:
just when you thought you'd seen the last of my bugs!

previously i had a spider molt and only have half of a fang developed.

it has since molted again and the fang is back in full form.


one of my spiders matured as a male...once he makes his first sperm web..hes gonna meet my female i posted pics of before.

male Psalmopoeus cambridgei



just received a box o' spiders today. rehoused all of them and here they are rehoused:


a few new spider pics.
Pterinochilus murinus...insane african species that would rather eat my entire body than cooperate.

has some growing to do...will be a small tarantula species..but the attitude alone places it leagues above many large spiders in difficulty of care/upkeep.

Brachypelma albopilosum female

close up
Poecilotheria pederseni

this genus (Poecilotheria) is one of the most venomous genus' in the world of tarantulas (Theraphosidae) this is just a little one though. so far its been a little push over and is the easiest thing in the world to care for...when its fully grown it will be interesting.

last but not least: Theraphosa blondi, the largest known spider in the WORLD! reaching a leg span of about 12"..sometimes more!