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photography Photo Album

Here is a Fall pic of Cooper Lake, WA. Beyond those mountains is where my daughter and I have spent many of the most unforgettable days ever. On our last backpacking trip, we summited the mountain from the backside and returned to the lake on our final day.


Fly fishing at Spectacle Lake, WA this summer.

Hey CA! Nice pics! That mule deer must be laying down, if it's a couple miles from my house....
Thanks for coming by the way, it was great hangin out with you and SL, eating Fatalli, and tasting sauces, and oh yeah! THANK YOU FOR THE SAUCES!!!!!!!
Too bad you couldn't take a whitetail home with you... :(

It was a very fun visit Jim. Thanks for having me over. Juju and Ann...you two are the coolest.
I am going to have fun adding more pics to this thread.
Yeah MG, I was wanting to do an "off topic" (peppers) photography thread, and I haven't really seen any (I didn't look very hard).
If the powers that be think this thread should be combined w. Awesome Pics, that's cool, I just want a place to post pictures that we all seem to capture, and show off our photography!
Have some fun! I think nudes would be frowned upon LOL (unless you're wearing your merkin).

Prehensile, it's a '77 F-150 Explorer. When my dad passed, he left it to me, I have pictures of me driving that truck when I was 8! It's still a rock crawler!

[/quote NICE My Grandpa had a 72 f-100 learned how to install tire chains and use a clutch(column shift) on that truck
Yeah Rich, we've hiked up to lake Dorothy 4 times. Accessed from Hwy 20 (Money Creek). That is directly on the other side of those mnts. (Chikamin Ridge) from Cooper Lake. Is that where you were with your daughter?

Nice Casting!
Yeah Rich, we've hiked up to lake Dorothy 4 times. Accessed from Hwy 20 (Money Creek). That is directly on the other side of those mnts. (Chikamin Ridge) from Cooper Lake. Is that where you were with your daughter?

Nice Casting!

Yep. We were on the PCT from Snoqualmie and took a right to Spectacle Lake, over Chikimin Ridge, and on to Cooper Lake where my wife picked us up and had a 6 PACK OF KOKANEES ON ICE WAITING FOR ME! I don't know what was more beautiful, the scenery...or the beer.
Yep. We were on the PCT from Snoqualmie and took a right to Spectacle Lake, over Chikimin Ridge, and on to Cooper Lake where my wife picked us up and had a 6 PACK OF KOKANEES ON ICE WAITING FOR ME! I don't know what was more beautiful, the scenery...or the beer.
:lol: now THAT is a good woman!

It was great to see you and visit. It seems we never have enough time, though. I want to go camping at Spectacle lake next year, it looks sooo sweet.

Scovie and Omri- We were standing on the back porch, right outside the office. (Scovie know where that is since he built the addition :) ) The truck was parked right on the edge of the driveway. Right before that strike happened, salsakid was running around out in the yard rescueing something "important".

I'm enjoying the pics, hope it keeps going-
CA, your really making me homesick for WA. I used to hike the PCT every summer when I was in Scouts. Used to love it when we hit Kennedy Hot Springs. Not many places left either where you can just dip you cup into a running stream and get a nice cold drink of water. I think over my years there, Junior High and High School, we managed to hike the Trail from the border of Canada down to the Oregon / California border with a couple of trips to Half Dome thrown in for good measure.
I used to hike the PCT every summer when I was in Scouts. I think over my years there, Junior High and High School, we managed to hike the Trail from the border of Canada down to the Oregon / California border with a couple of trips to Half Dome thrown in for good measure.

PCT= Pacific Crest Trail, a trail that runs along the crest of the Cascade Mountains. I Think it goes from Canada all the way douwn through Baja, Mexico, but I could be wrong. Someone correct me if that's not right.

Spongey, why it that your backyeard "for the weekend"?
Autocross is quite fun. I've done it a couple of times in my Yaris. But, autocross photography is cheaper.





Hey Walka, all these photos were taken at Prince George's Stadium in Bowie. Where do you autocross at?
Yup that is CDC on October 8th.

I don't remember a loud mr2. But that's probably because of all the really loud Cobras. I've been to some of the CDC events in Bowie and Frederick. I have not been to blue crabs yet.

If it was a dirty silver yaris, it's mine.