• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's...Pepper Graphic...2014

Time to get this Grow off the ground...

Well sort of...at least the indoor part of it.  Here's the current look at some of my outdoor containers. We've had higher than normal snow amounts since December. A couple of hard frosts to boot. That may kill alot of the spring White Fly that have been dominant the last 2 seasons.
A Couple Shots from the Most Recent Seasons

I've started out my seeds for many years in Dec/Jan, and no doubt will provide nice plants with rewarding harvests.
But when you have to start indoors under lights it comes with a cost of time, material and utilities. With some thought I've finally come to (my senses)  a conclusion. As of Febuary 1st I have roughly 14 weeks to plant out. I'm confident that I can raise healthy plants indoors in that span. So this year will be the test...who knows maybe next season will be a March startup.......a march to the finish !

This was my largest harvest last season, late August, 40+ lbs......a few hrs and many beers worth of picking.  
The harvests after this were a few bushels here and there down to the 5 bucket pulls once a week come late September.
Enough of the Old and in With the New...
Lights...Action......Camera !

Speaking of lights...my current and permanent grow area has been moved down to the sub basement. I gave up a spare bedroom which has been converted into a guest room........ :rolleyes:
I currently have alittle over half the room and lighting setups that I had last year.  I'm planning to use every bit of it.
When running over 4k of power you need to have enough "juice"  to supply the lights safely. Inaddition to the circuits I had in the past for the basement grow I've added 2 additional 20a dedicated runs. Also for those who don't, having a smoke detector within perimeter and a fire extinguisher nearby would be a good idea, especially when running HPS units.
I'm still in the process of mounting some lights, and unless they're being hard wired its a good idea to keep the power cables off the floor

Here's a photo of the plant framing before the shelving is put into place. The deminsions are 54" wide and 12' long.
There's 3 tiers....top has 7 six bulb high bay T8 fixtures, middle tier (shown) has 10 four bulb close spaced T8's with a 6 bulb T8 at each end. The bottom has currently 4 six bulb T8's with a few more being added. The sides have 70% Aluminet shade cloth with can be rolled up unto a pvc pipe and secured to the ceiling. The cloth can let air circulation through by the means of a fan(s). The ends of the framing have foiled faced styro insulated panels.
Here we have cups ready to go, each cup may have anywhere between 2 and 20 seeds depending on the variety.
I'm starting out alittle different with the seed soak this season. In the past I've used Potassium Nitrate (Salt Petre) for part of the soak. I'm out of it and its too late to order....what I'm doing instead is a 2 hr soak with 10% Hydrogen Peroxide/ water mix.......drain out then a 24hr soak with a brew of Chamomile Tea (4 tea bags to a gallon of distilled) plus one drop of Superthrive to the gallon. I haven't used the tea before but have heard excellent results in regards to damping off prevention or seed fungal issues.
The mediums for the indoor grow.....Hoffmans for the seed starter. For the potting up I'm using a mix of Happy Frog, Ocean Forest and Pro-Mix. These will get equally mixed into thirds. My usual Fafards MetroMix is not in stock. These will give great results as I've used them in the past.
a few more shots later after dinner...........did some body say Octopus in Red Sauce.....yum
WalkGood said:
¡Hola amigo!
  • Great to see you started your 2014 glog \o/
  • Just cause I’ve been crazy busy working and haven’t hit “follow dis” yet doesn’t mean I’m not lurking da glog’s when mi hab time, hehehe
  • Mi hab to hunt down a “BH & Gardens” mag as mi no subscriber, great to see ya made da cut but IMHO that's "Front Page" material = )
  • Also very stoked to see you growing MoA again, I hab a few new ones as well, tasted my first of the Ft. Laud. Farmers Market Scotch Bonnet and BOC the other day, I'm surprised my girls are pumping out pods with my lack of attention :/
  • Wishing you an awesome season brethren  = )
PS love da Elvis Greg banana & peanut butter sammy, lol
Glad to read...you're back !
Yep...I'm here too, the glog was a flip of the coin....when the coin hit the floor and rolled under the stove....ha......well let's just say I felt guilyt with the idea of not starting one, so I'm a bit behind this yr but with the lousy Spring weather we're having........who'd realize !
How's the job going...are you traveling much, .......my priorities haven't changed...family 1st, then garden.....the job falls in there ..somewhere at the bottom of my list...ha.  Two yrs to retire..........can't wait.
Ya can check the article out at a news stand...pretty basic info...geared towards the newbie....but the photos were peppers from my garden and the interview was from me........heck I hope I said the right wording...I only read through it once............ :lol: 
Glad to hear you're also growing the MoA's and I'm sure you have a few JA Habs in the mix also. How does the Ft Laud Bonnet compare to the MoA, is it the same ? I have about 20 MoA's and some other Jamaican strains that I'll group together this year. Plus maybe a dozen of the JA Habs.. Everythings growing at the rate I expect it..............just need some warm weather. My plant out will be around the 21st of May, unless we have a run of early Summer. 
Thanks for the words, I'll make best use of my resources and abilities to get this garden off the ground.
ohmatic said:
im an absolute cat and chili nerd, you combine two of my fav things right there haha :D
especially since i cannot have a cat presently buuhuhuhuh :( have to grow more chilis to compensate ! lol :D
You and me both.....dig both cats and chili's ..............my cats follow me around like clockwork.
It's always more beneficial to grow extra chili's............. :D
stc3248 said:
He's here!!!!!
I hope we get to see a few photo's garden/foodies
Roguejim said:
Greg, at what point do you feed/fert your seedlings?  What do you use?  Thanks.
I start with a very very weak amount of a LIquid Fish foliar feed (diluted in water in a misting bottle) when the 1st true leaves begin to appear (once a week). The starting medium I use consists of peat, perlite and vermiculite. There's no slow release ferts mixed in. Once the seedlings acquire the 2nd set of leaves I add once again a very diluted mix, this time Liquid Kelp to the bottom watering (each watering). The plants will also get a misting every other week with Epsom Salts.
I have other products  Pro Grow, Cal Mag, Guano...but haven't needed to use any of those........yet
PIC 1 said:
Hey Andy.......same here, I've been away from the glogs, a few minutes here and there. I guess I'm spending more time at the health club or in the kitchen, rather than the growroom. But that's ok since the plants are moving along nicely with very little attention.
Glad you're liking the sauce.......I see that you're moving, I don't envy that ! I hope it all works out for you and the family. Are you re-locating far from your current residence ?

Thanks Greg, it's not too far from where we are at.  We will still be close enough to both sets of our parents, which means the kids will still be close enough to Grandparents, which is a good thing.  I'm going to be starting over with all the soil though.  Plus, not sure how the new church feels about large gardens yet.  We'll see...
Greg!   Looking clean and green as ever buddy.  BH&G gets delivered to my house so I certainly won't miss it.   It's been an insanely cold winter every where if you weren't aware lol.  Cannot wait to see your garden in full bloom.  Doing any Marzano's this year?
WalkGood said:
¡Hola amigo!
  • Great to see you started your 2014 glog \o/
  • Just cause I’ve been crazy busy working and haven’t hit “follow dis” yet doesn’t mean I’m not lurking da glog’s when mi hab time, hehehe
  • Mi hab to hunt down a “BH & Gardens” mag as mi no subscriber, great to see ya made da cut but IMHO that's "Front Page" material = )
  • Also very stoked to see you growing MoA again, I hab a few new ones as well, tasted my first of the Ft. Laud. Farmers Market Scotch Bonnet and BOC the other day, I'm surprised my girls are pumping out pods with my lack of attention :/
  • Wishing you an awesome season brethren  = )
PS love da Elvis Greg banana & peanut butter sammy, lol
Good to see you Ramon!
How's life treating you?
Sorry for the Hi-jack Greg ;)
Hi Greg, I got the April Better Homes and Gardens and was disappointed that you didn't get any mention in the article. Bad cess to 'em for that, but your pics are better anyway. Cheers!
yes.. i was disappointed.. did they at least send you the photos that didnt make the cut .. perhaps we can make our own story... =D
stickman said:
Hi Greg, I got the April Better Homes and Gardens and was disappointed that you didn't get any mention in the article. Bad cess to 'em for that, but your pics are better anyway. Cheers!
  Rick, no need to be disappointed about the article. The photo shoot lasted the day early morning through late afternoon. With a few emails afterwards and 3 phone interviews even I wasn't sure which direction the editor was going with the story. Although the art director did also focus on the superhots, that might have been a better write up for the Chili...mag. You're right no mention about me....ha...but my name is mentioned in the story head with the photographer and writer. I have had other personel articles in different mags....and if anything the mags travel in a binder to local garden club gatherings and certainly the plant sales. They make for a good "talk piece" and what grower doesn't mind talking about plant-shop. 

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
yes.. i was disappointed.. did they at least send you the photos that didnt make the cut .. perhaps we can make our own story... =D
another unhappy customer.......lol
KD........one thing I learned after being in the photo biz for over 30 yrs, never give away your originals (negatives, transperencies, and nowadays  high res images). I knew the images were going to be property of BHG and I did have to sign a contract with a release, all very standard....However...being the "Jimmy Olsen"  that I am, always having a camera around my neck, I did take my own photos.

coheed196 said:
Better yet.....did they pay you for your pictures?
If I was able to market that idea to them...I would come out of retirement.... :lol:
The photo shoot was done by one of their photographers. Many magazines are run by the same publisher. There is a pool of photographers to work from depending on what part of the country a story is produced. The dude was cool, we have alot in common, unfortunately the "art of photography" doesn't pay the photog what it use to...even if you run an elite business with talented employees.

sorry for the lack of updates...other projects have kept me away from the growroom. But All is good !
Her's a series of photos going back a week or so...

A young Galapogense  ...this one sprouted 3 weeks after the one that towering right next to it.

A tray of mixed annuums. This  are much larger only a week after this shot was taken.

Bahamian Goat, MoA, Indian Carbon

Reaper, Orange Primo, St Martin Red Habanero

NagaBrain F2, Yellow Bouquet, Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion

Brain St, 7 Pot Barrackpore, TFM
Jonah, Belize Bonnet, Yellow Bhut Jolokia

Bonda Ma Jacques, Yellow Congo, West Indian Habanero

Bombay Morich, Yellow 7 x Bhut Jolokia, Goats Weed

USBC, Guatemala Rocoto, Chocolate Scorpion
more with a bump...thanks

Bhut Jolokia Mustard, Spanish Naga Morich, Charapita

Jamaican Habaneros........I probably have a dozen of these growing...at least !

Various annuums.....

a mix of c.chinense....

top of a Goats Weed............tese like the Flouros but hate the MH

Here's what the Tomato seedlings looked like last weekend

These next photos were all taken today. The weather is in the 50's and the natural lighting is ideal for these photos....besides I'm running out of room indoors....lol
This is a typical flat of eight 5" containers.......I have 50+ of these trays filled  and some of the larger plants can use a pot up

Yellow Scotch Bonnet, Carmel Bhut Jolokia, Surinam Habanero

FDA, Red  MoA, 7 Pot Barrackpore

Elysium Oxide Bonnet..........one of Mike's (capsidadburn) crosses........have 4 of these ready to hit the dirt
few more with some help....
thanks again...

Charapita, Sunrise Scorpion, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

Mabballz Red, Ethiopian Birdseye, Orange Scotch Bonnet (Bahama's)

Yellow Brain st, UBSC Brown, Armageddon

Yellow 7, St Martin Red Habanero, Indian Carbon

Red Bhut Jolokia, Mourga Blend, Bombay Morich

Goats Weed, mkt Red Habanero, Canario

Yellow Brain st,  Yellow Bouquet,  Scotch Bonnet  (peppermania)

First flower on a c.chinense....."NagaBrain".......seeds courtesy Gary (windchicken)....via Jamie (romy6)...his cross
Nice pics. Nice plants. Nice glog. Thanks for the update. Ethiopian Birdseye looks fantastic. I love my superhots, but there's something about those wild varieties that are intriguing to me. My lonesome Tepin is my baby. Sorry for rambling on your glog.
aha....loss track where I was at............anyways whatever these are..they look hot.......lol

bottom shelf in the growroom is filling up with plants and pets........that's one of the other cats..."Sheri"......."Sunny" must be hiding

Here's the Tomato seedligs today. I'll have to separate them starting tomorrow. The roots are starting to grow through the drain holes. There's over 200 seedlings. Most will get sold in 1 gal containers next month. I'll probably keep around 20 of them

a row of Galapogense...
I'm out of plant shots...here's a food shot from today...
This is the start to a wrap with leftover Jerk Chicken ,Caribbean Rice and some high melt Mexican cheese from yesterdays "Throwdown"......

Plating shot of the panini wrap with a grillled Red Habanero and some of my homemade Yellow Scotch Bonnet Sauce (mop)
Thanks for checking this out, I'll try to get some more shots later in the week. Many plants to pot up until then.

OCD Chilehead said:
Nice pics. Nice plants. Nice glog. Thanks for the update. Ethiopian Birdseye looks fantastic. I love my superhots, but there's something about those wild varieties that are intriguing to me. My lonesome Tepin is my baby. Sorry for rambling on your glog.
Thanks man....ramble on.
I dig the super hots but for the main coarse meals in my kitchen I have to please the rest of the fam. Any type of Thai of  African Bird usually fits in well. I also have 3 different type of Tepins  growing. I've yet to pickle those but have canned most other hot peppers. Wilds are cool, there's a higher than norm interest in growing those this year.
Thanks for the reply.
Everything's looking extremely good Greg! I particularly like the pics of your Burrito. We've been on a Mexican kick here lately... I was gifted with 8 pounds of Pinto Beans that I did up a la Charra in the slow cooker, with yellow rice and Salsa Verde to go with. Last night We had Baja Fish Tacos. Keep 'em green buddy!
Everything looks outstanding as usual.
Burrito looks great, and now I am hungry again. :P
When do you start prepping all of the garden beds? Love to see shots of what you do there.