Seed Trading Parcel 2009 - Canada/USA

Sorry for not writing very often. I recently moved and started a new job, don't have phone or cable where I'm living. Thankfully, I do have electricity!
I recently got my internet established with one of those wireless things through Verizon, and just finished doing my taxes, so hopefully will have more time now.
I haven't received the package yet, but am looking for it every day. It takes a while for mail to make it here(sorry). I'm not in the middle of NOWHERE, but I am just west of there. I'll post when I get it.
Got the package today!!! LOTS of great seeds! Adding 100 more. Hope it's not too much.
Hope to get it back on its way tomorrow.
Oh man I cant wait, its almost to me. Yes we need to hurry and get to round two :lol: by the sounds of it if we start round 2 off with the seeds that will already be in the package we will need to start shipping using a small box soon :lol:
One day turnaround! Package now on its way to Patrick. Don't get too excited, as the local mail seems to take an extra day or two each way here.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Can't wait to get it. I'll let you all know when it arrives. Won't take me long to pick what I want and I've already got my contribution bagged up, labeled and ready to go. See if I can be as fast as origamiRN. Oh boy oh boy oh boy!:lol:
Bah! Nate, you brought the excitement level up a couple of notches and increased everyone's anticipation. Great work dude!:)