Should we have a fun 2009 grow contest?

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Santa must have been good to several members with new cameras w/ macro lens. I am also a proud papa of some baby Fatalli this am!

I finally figured out how to use the macro feature on my point-and-shoot. Its pretty awesome.

AJ, I can claim I beat you to a sprout but that will be the end of it. Now that you have one up I am afraid it is all over for me.
I have had six germ and two of those have sprouted, Put the rest of the coir in a cup and left it in my germinator and we will see what happens. I can live with just six.
Maybe I need to put my egg container with the fatalies in the armoire instead of on top of it. It has a couple of huge (for the variety) tomato plants in a hydro until, along with a tray of basil and lettuce. Put a couple of seeds in a rockwool cube Thursday and they are up already.

My first sprout came today, unfortunately with the cap still on... I think I will leave it on and see what happens...
Leave the cap on, it will drop off when it's good and ready. Don't do a MoyBoy (left a pair of scissors inside the plant after surgery)...
Is it too late for me to join in the game? I just planted my seeds tonight. And I have 6 fatalli planted in Jiffy peat pellets, with a heatmat under. This is so exciting!
Ah, the underdog hey. You know what they say about underdogs...

Good luck Sheldon, i am still waiting for my seeds to pop their heads up.
I have one up that was planted a week early though :)
moyboy said:
I gave you the same seeds as the ones I have and all mine have sprouted....

Give them time and they will be fine....

Yeah I know, I just have a hard time being patient sometimes.
All six of my Fatalii seeds have sprouted. The 1st ones took 8 days and the last 13 days. It's been 15 days now and still nothing from two Bishops Crown and two 7 Pot Jonah.
No Fatalii sprouts yet,:( they're on the edge of the heat and not getting as much as the ones in the middle. I do have two Naga Morich sprouts up and growing.

Time to rearrange the heat.:)