Should we have a fun 2009 grow contest?

No fatalii sprouts yet but a pepper I got from a friend who had a ribs shack at the fair last year has 5 sprouts. Right now it's too early to try to notes say " long pepper from the fair- Elaine" so we will see what it is, was a bit warm I remember.
excellent's getting to be that time of year for us in the northern hemisphere isn't it...
Well... I had no Fatalii seeds to join in the fun - but the 7-pot seeds from PepperRidgeFarm arrived on the day of the start of the the contest and I planted two straight away. The hook was just coming up on one of them today - which I think is pretty good germination time fro a superhot.

we can have a side comparison if you want...I planted some PRF 7s too on Monday along with my Fataliis...I don't think any are up yet...

***listening intently...what's that?...a 7 Pot scratching for the surface***
I don't think I'm ever going to get a fatalii to sprout...The ones i planted on the 1st still haven't sprouted either....
Well - disappointed to get home from work 12 hours after I last looked to find that I am still only 1 from 2 for germination of the 7-pots. I will have to look again tomorrow morning to see if the second one is up.

got a total of 14 Fataliis sprouted...10 of them are red/chocolate while 4 are regular fatalii

dreamboat said:
Go and have another look AJ - Just in case.....dreamboat

Had two 7 Pot sprout overnight...
yup...and I don't think she had them last year
We have Fatalii!


Well that's it, the rest of ya are DOOMED DOOMED DOOMED! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.:lol::P
millworkman said:
I demand more pictures from everyone.

And AJ, let us know how they stack up against a regular one. I am interested in them.
I still only have one fatalii sprouted so far, but perhaps there will be more tonight. I'm hoping for my bhuts to sprout as well. the bhuts at least will have come from my own garden, which will be good in my opinion. Still, all of my fatalii seeds were grown in NJ, which i'm happy about. :)
I really can't see a chocolate fatalii having the same great fatalii taste of the yellows, but it does sound interesting.
Woot woot! We have a fatalii hook! Found it this morning, along with a chocolate hab (Im 4/7 from them so far). I would put up a pic, but it would look pretty much like everyone else's, so I'll wait until it does something special. Like juggling.
got home from work, checked the trays and have 11 Fatalii sprouts. 5 of my homegrown ones from this past season and 4 from Tomato growers came up today. Also 4 Red Fatalii and all 6 Chocolate Fatalii are up. Total of 21 Fataliis off and running....