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greenhouse Spicy Chicken's grow room and greenhouse makeover

Not to much happened today but did manage to find room for 16 recessed can lights, I hate not having enough light when dropping those little seeds in the cells.

Should make a vacuum seeder, does any one have one or ever used one?

Plus 3 ceiling fan box's, just didn't have it in me to start the wiring on them maybe tomorrow after work.

A dreadful, miserable, cold, damp rainy fall day,depressing to say the least! and 2 more yet this week, humbug :(

Thanks for looking and have a spectacular day.:)


Starting to take shape on the inside. Got to some of the fun stuff today, like fiberglass insulation and started the Osb on the ceiling and walls, hope I can do a little better tomorrow, I'm a slacker!







Thanks for Looking! Cheers, SC
Yah I second the before and after pics.
Your doing a great job and i can only guess what the finished product will be but im sure you have it wraped up!
Great job man.

Did some final ruff plumbing and lots more insulation and osb.

Finally kicked that part in the ass.:dance:

Guess what time it is?







Its Drywall Time!:dance: :woohoo: :dance: :woohoo: :dance: :woohoo:

Thanks for looking and have a great day, SC
All that I had time for today, hopefully tomorrow I will have a coat of mud on some joints and by this time next week, Textured painted and drying Peppers. :cool:

O ya did I mention I hate drywall!!!!!



UN-FREAKING-BELIEVEABLE! My wife looks at me crazy when I say I wanna add a 4x6 growroom to the garage. Your project is truly amazing.

Holy S$%T. I haven't seen this topic since I viewed your first post of it!
What an amazing make over! looks great! I can tell you know what your doing. BC if you asked me to
do 1/4 of what you've done so far I'd look at you like a deer staring at some highbeams. :lol:
Way to go man. Can't wait to see what you get going in that GH of yours.
Love the property BTW.. I'm green with envy :)
Thanks Everyone !!!!!

You've done a fantastic job, Jeff.
When your finished post some pics of the before and after
good luck

Should I include this one? LOL


Yeah I second the before and after pics.
Your doing a great job and i can only guess what the finished product will be but I'm sure you have it wrapped up!
Great job man.

Might be a little while before I am able to finish the inside, like the floor, stairway system and cabinets, but will have some temporary things in there to start and also will give me a good idea how to utilize my space.

Coming along great

Thanks for hangin out buddy!

Just read this entire post from start to finish....

so very jealous...

Just a little bit of a change, thanks for looking!

I was going to say its beer-o'clock.

That to for sure!:beer:

But you make it look so easy!! :lol:

What type of wood did you decide on for the post?

Great work sir, can't wait to see the final result.


I have a nice oak 5X5 here, I am thinking of routing out for some inlay chili shaped design. will see.

UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE! My wife looks at me crazy when I say I wanna add a 4x6 grow room to the garage. Your project is truly amazing.


Get her to read this post, then maybe your 4x6 won't look so crazy in her eye's. LOL or just tell here you want to build a 40 X 60, bet she would agree to a 4x6 real fast!:lol:

Spicy, your greenhouse is starting to look better than my house. :shocked:

I doubt that seriously, but thanks for keeping up with the build buddy!:cool:

Holy S$%T. I haven't seen this topic since I viewed your first post of it!
What an amazing make over! looks great! I can tell you know what your doing. BC if you asked me to
do 1/4 of what you've done so far I'd look at you like a deer staring at some high beams. :lol:
Way to go man. Can't wait to see what you get going in that GH of yours.
Love the property BTW.. I'm green with envy :)

Well glade you came back to take another peek, hope you enjoyed the posts! Cheers.

Once again thank you all for your comments a Q's.

Keep it hot my friends!! SC
Here is a hint that shows you know what you are doing. Notice the racks of at least four tape measures and the 15 or so air powered nail guns. Even a tool collector who just likes to have one of everything but doesn't ever do anything with them wouldn't have that many :P So you obviously use them a lot! That and you did all this yourself in such a short time.

My brother has a set of those makita cordless drills and saws and jigsaws etc. They sooo kick the ass of my cheapo cordless drill, you really notice the difference.
Just a quick update:

a couple of pics gettin er done. then it will be paint and finished electrical.:dance:

Picked up 200 ft of of entrance cable, not looking forward to digging 200 ft, might have to rent a trencher.:crazy:



Scored 2 of these last might 50% off, cant wait to install them.


Thanks for lookin! SC
I hate drywall too! Heavy, dusty, fragile...

Looking great though! :cool:

I have to ask you, why did you do OSB under the drywall? I'm not critiquing, just wondering.

I can't wait to see the upstairs! (so shake a leg ya slacker) :lol: