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Superhot Concentrate


I had to figure a way to preserve my superhot harvest over the past two weeks and I decided to simply add a little vinegar and salt to the blended peppers and pressure can them...

I ended up with 14 8 ounce jars of concentrate. The fresh taste of the pods remains and I can use this various ways including making hot sauce with them...

A pic of the jars...2 Dorset Naga, 2 Trinidad Scorpion, 3 Yellow Trinidad Scorpion, and 7 7 Pots...

This will get me thru the winter I am sure...thank you Billyboy for the recipe...

100 grams pepper
60ml vinegar
pinch of salt
1 Tbsp sugar

most will be used as a base for hot sauces...I sure do like a dip of it in my bloody marys too...but this would make about a zillion BMs....

will start experimenting with hot sauces during the down time of winter...
AlabamaJack said:
most will be used as a base for hot sauces...I sure do like a dip of it in my bloody marys too...but this would make about a zillion BMs....will start experimenting with hot sauces during the down time of winter...
Man AJ, 37 and a half jars of concentrate. Holy Moly! What type of ratio are you going to use for your sauces? Are you going to make different strengths? Like HOT = 1 to 5, MED = 1 to 10 and MILD = 1 to 20

With the peppers you have frozen, dried and already made into sauce, I'd say you're already prepared for a long, long winter!

Lookin good man!
Amazing AJ, but you need to do something with all those peppers. I really like making concentrate, too. It's fast and easy and it can be used for a lot of purposes (and I have no more room in the freezer anyway :)).

The Choc Hab concentrate looks far less brownish will boiling than the finished product.

What's that "Aga's" stuff in the squeeze bottle? Do you use it instead of sugar?
Chiliac said:
Amazing AJ, but you need to do something with all those peppers. I really like making concentrate, too. It's fast and easy and it can be used for a lot of purposes (and I have no more room in the freezer anyway :)).

The Choc Hab concentrate looks far less brownish will boiling than the finished product.

What's that "Aga's" stuff in the squeeze bottle? Do you use it instead of sugar?
agave nectar:)
I admire all the effort you put into those concentrates AJ!

I´ve been cooking aswell. I just chop the superhots roughly, 2-3 times each, add some vinegar (less than you), some sugar and a dash of salt. cooks it for 20 minutes and then into 0,5-1 liter jars.
I don't have a paypal account as of now PP...

my business will not start up until next year...I am just not ready and really don't have the time right now with work and all...retirement is coming in 8 months and 22 days. (but who's counting?)

I need to make sure the canning techniques I am using will give this product a good shelf life and retain its taste and color...remember, this is all in the experimental stage for me right now...

thanks for the confidence vote talas...
AlabamaJack said:
...retirement is coming in 8 months and 22 days. (but who's counting?)

I need to make sure the canning techniques I am using will give this product a good shelf life and retain its taste and color...remember, this is all in the experimental stage for me right now...
AJ, I envy you. I still have 750 days or so, (I'm not sure without looking). Your plants this year were beautiful, man. You harvested a massive amount of peppers on most if not all of your bushes. I think all you're doing now is getting all your numbers together so you can do that end of it as well as you have the growing end. The numbers never lie. I think "AJ's" sauces are going to be a hit. Call it what you want, it'll still be "AJ's" to all of us.

Good luck man!