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Superhot Concentrate


Extreme Member
I had to figure a way to preserve my superhot harvest over the past two weeks and I decided to simply add a little vinegar and salt to the blended peppers and pressure can them...

I ended up with 14 8 ounce jars of concentrate. The fresh taste of the pods remains and I can use this various ways including making hot sauce with them...

A pic of the jars...2 Dorset Naga, 2 Trinidad Scorpion, 3 Yellow Trinidad Scorpion, and 7 7 Pots...

This will get me thru the winter I am sure...thank you Billyboy for the recipe...

100 grams pepper
60ml vinegar
pinch of salt
1 Tbsp sugar

McGoo said:
Do you guys have any Ph problems? Do you check it at all?

Also, what are the advantages of pressure canning over regular, boil the goods and whack them into a sterilised jar routine? My wife does that currently, she isnt sure why pressure method would be better.

I checked the pH on the first few jars I put up and it was down about 3.8 so I figure it is OK...especially with the pressure canning...

from what I have read, pressure cannings advantage over hot water bath canning is the temperature gets higher and will kill the clostridium botulinum while hot water bath canning won't...you have to watch your pH for low acid foods...I pressure can just about everything except jelly and pickles...I have some chili I pressure canned this past september and it tastes just like I made it today...and I didn't bother with the pH...

this past season was the first season I have pressure canned and all the concentrates are sitting on shelves in my computer room...I really want to see what the shelf life of the product is...I am assuming that as long as the jars are under vacuum, they will be good...
lee said:
great stuff.

Any links on those pressure cans?

sorry Lee...just saw your question..


Talljess said:
Olivia dukakis drank bottles of rubbing alcohol, so is it really that poisonous? Or was she a seasoned drunk

Rubbing alcohol can contain other stuff like methanol or isopropanol...
Talljess said:
Olivia dukakis drank bottles of rubbing alcohol, so is it really that poisonous? Or was she a seasoned drunk

Alcohol sold as rubbing alcohol is generally isopropyl alcohol, which is turned into acetone by your liver. Some rubbing alcohols may contain methanol, which is toxic. Even those that are primarily ethanol are denatured, or rendered undrinkable - often by the addition of poisonous substances. Methanol is actually one substance commonly added to ethanol to denature it.

What would happen if you drank rubbing alcohol? From Wikipedia:
Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning include flushing, headache, dizziness, CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, anesthesia, and coma. Use in well-ventilated areas and use protective gloves while using. Poisoning can occur from ingestion, inhalation, or absorption.

If the rubbing alcohol contains methanol, blindness or death may occur as a result of its consumption.

out of all seriousness rubbing alcohol, ethanol and wood alcohols are nothing to play with they all have adverse effects on health and are deadly.

Oh and by the way after KITTY Dukakis drank it in 1989 she was in the hospitol for a good while after having her stomach pumped.

if you need to use alcohol for cooking or extraction you must use a quality Grain Alcohol like Everclear 190 proof which is Ethanol. You may also use 151 if the 190 is outlawed where you live.
Dyce51 said:
Alcohol sold as rubbing alcohol is generally isopropyl alcohol, which is turned into acetone by your liver. Some rubbing alcohols may contain methanol, which is toxic. Even those that are primarily ethanol are denatured, or rendered undrinkable - often by the addition of poisonous substances. Methanol is actually one substance commonly added to ethanol to denature it.

What would happen if you drank rubbing alcohol? From Wikipedia:
Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning include flushing, headache, dizziness, CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, anesthesia, and coma. Use in well-ventilated areas and use protective gloves while using. Poisoning can occur from ingestion, inhalation, or absorption.

If the rubbing alcohol contains methanol, blindness or death may occur as a result of its consumption.

out of all seriousness rubbing alcohol, ethanol and wood alcohols are nothing to play with they all have adverse effects on health and are deadly.

Oh and by the way after KITTY Dukakis drank it in 1989 she was in the hospitol for a good while after having her stomach pumped.

if you need to use alcohol for cooking or extraction you must use a quality Grain Alcohol like Everclear 190 proof which is Ethanol. You may also use 151 if the 190 is outlawed where you live.
As far as I understand wood alchohol shuts down the liver and kidneys.
thanks all for the nice compliments...

I started breaking into my concentrates and other peppers in January I put up last fall...so far, all have retained the fresh pepper taste and the heat, to me anyway, has increased by about 50% over fresh. May just be my palate doing without fresh hot peppers for a couple of months...I just opened a jar of pickled Red Savinas and I will tell you, I can see why they were the world record pepper for heat a couple of years ago...they are nothing to thumb your nose at...

It won't be long before season two for the superhot concentrates kicks off...

This year, I have about 12 Bhut Jolokias, 5 Dorset Nagas, 5 Bih Jolokias, 17 Naga Morich, 5 Yellow 7 Pot, 8 Trinidad Scorpions, and about 10 7 Pots...the difference between this year and last year is the seed stock I started with this year came from reputable suppliers (mostly trades with THP members)...

It is going to be one very hot year in West Fort Worth...
Not trying to offend anyone in any way but using the name concentrate sort of impies that a lot of liquid has been removed and this could be misleading to some. I've tried to come up with of a more suitable name since many of my hot sauces are similar, but "pepper-based super hot sauce" is all I came up with

When I see "concentrate" in relation to sauce, I mostly think that it is a pepper-only sorta deal. Like, a fatali concentrate should only contain fatalis. Obviously there has to be something to keep it safe like vinegar/salt/whatever, but that's it.

Example for me would be the naga stuff Nova has..it's nagas, vinegar, and salt.
That's it. (smells and tastes about like a fresh pepper too...verrry nice btw!)

It's more of a base sauce than a concentrate or reduction...but IDK. It's hot as frell anyways. :D

Sometimes, I wonder how "concentrate" compares with "puree" or "mash" as well? I guess it all depends on the creator and the marketing.
no offense taken Potawie...it truly is concentrate...I cook it down by about 1/3 to 1/2 before pressure canning...

Quad...I bet you Nova is using the same recipe as Billy Boy and that is where my recipe came from...