• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Talas..Spring 2009 Start..

Wanted to say thanks to you guys for this thread, it's great reading.

This "cross" business is fascinating.

My other hobby is collecting and breeding tarantulas and the words "cross breeding" will start a war. Something you DO NOT do.

Best of luck to all of you.
patrick said:
Wanted to say thanks to you guys for this thread, it's great reading.

This "cross" business is fascinating.

My other hobby is collecting and breeding tarantulas and the words "cross breeding" will start a war. Something you DO NOT do.

Best of luck to all of you.

It is indeed fascinating to see what you end up with and some mutants to pop from time to time :)
Wilds do not like me this year Talas. Glad I didn't try anything too rare. :) Maybe bad luck this year. I'm wondering if seeds from Brazil / Finland may be eradicated through mail scanners. I've had some bad luck. Maybe I just did something wrong. It takes precise controlled temps with some of these.

It'll be interesting to hear how your cousin fares with them.

cmpman1974 said:
Wilds do not like me this year Talas. Glad I didn't try anything too rare. :) Maybe bad luck this year. I'm wondering if seeds from Brazil / Finland may be eradicated through mail scanners. I've had some bad luck. Maybe I just did something wrong. It takes precise controlled temps with some of these.

It'll be interesting to hear how your cousin fares with them.


No i had bad luck i planed a 136 plant into an Xstream heated propagator in late December expecting to be back in a week or so and my wife did here best to add nutes but lost all but two plants and some where i had struggled to find..Turned out to be a faulty air stone not giving out enough oxygen and just got it back,so i greave your loss..wish you lived not far away i have plenty of Brazilian plugs of various sorts spare,could do us both a favour and swap small plants :)
Brazilian Regional Chilis...All Now Germinated :)

Bia Bia
Pimenta De b
Rapa Tição
Dessconhecida 1
,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2
,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3
Ova De robalo
Chifre De Bode
Cabacinha #2
Olho De Gato
Ariba Saia (YELLOW)
Moraugo De Pobre
Espora De Galo
Biquino Doce
Olho De Pombo
Cagiro Do Norte
Pingo De Duro
Vermelha Comprida
Redonda De Vaso
Umbigo De Tainha
Pimenata De Passarinho
Pimenta De Cacho
Pimenta Jiló
Well there's a list you're not gonna see every day. Thanks for sharing, your log is a pleasure to read. I don't think I've ever heard of any of those in my life.
boutros said:
Well there's a list you're not gonna see every day. Thanks for sharing, your log is a pleasure to read. I don't think I've ever heard of any of those in my life.

Some very interesting plants in that collection and collected from the regions all over brazil included the amazon,there some Brazillian variety s in my first list to,the Murupi,Bodes..,Cheiro..etc.Hopefully bring some interesting pictures in months to come :)
A nice selection of Brazilian Chilli's. I guy a know from Brasil send me some varieties last year.
Too bad a have a limited space for the plants:(
Yes space is a problem,if you have any friends/family use there Windowspace..or if they have greenhouses even better if space is limited and also to Isolate some variety's for pure seed or crossing..its surprising who does not mind helping you out with your hobby..ask and see..my brother/Cousin are growing some of mine
and im sending some down to grow in a large hydro,some to my moms,Neighbors etc extends your chance to grow..Just keep lists of whats where otherwise its plant identification time which can be fun :)
Awesome selection of Brazilian varieties Talas. You sound like you're going to have a wonderful season and some nice pictures! :) Keep up the good work.

I already have plants growing in 4 different locations:lol:, and still not enough. Or am I being greedy now
cmpman1974 said:
Awesome selection of Brazilian varieties Talas. You sound like you're going to have a wonderful season and some nice pictures! :) Keep up the good work.


Hiya chris not having a good year myself with some of the wilds..Rushed things when i got back.But lets hope the sunshine's and my new compost does the job..and the aphids are not to bad,im using a neem fertilizer from pure crushed rushed seeds added to that as some friends have had great success with it..so lets hopeing :)
lee said:
I already have plants growing in 4 different locations:lol:, and still not enough. Or am I being greedy now
Just being human. As a species we are insatiable on many fronts.
I have too many different kind of pepper seeds, but I just bought 8 new (to me) kinds. I will probably never be able to grow everything I want when I keep finding out about more kinds all the time.
And then there are our personal breeding programs where one is supposed to grow a huge number seedlings to make a selection, then grow a huge number from that plant, then... Oh crap some just fell on the floor.:lol:
Oops its been a while a few older pictures :)

` Jindungo` grown in three different soil types, with great purple Jolokia in pot

Orange Thai x Goats Weed (D) f2 Only small Pubesence

Three Brazilian Plants, Cacho `,` Moranga `,` `Piexe