What's the difference between erotic and kinky?
Erotic = using a feather
Kinky = using the whole chicken
Woman: Heeello, iss tthiss thhee sshhoop III boouugghht thhee vviibbrrattorr ffrroomm?
Clerk: Yes ma'am.
Woman: Ccaann yyoouu pppllleeeaaassee tteell mmee hhooww ttoo ttuurrnn tthhee dddaaammn tthhiinngg ooffff?
Erotic = using a feather
Kinky = using the whole chicken
Woman: Heeello, iss tthiss thhee sshhoop III boouugghht thhee vviibbrrattorr ffrroomm?
Clerk: Yes ma'am.
Woman: Ccaann yyoouu pppllleeeaaassee tteell mmee hhooww ttoo ttuurrnn tthhee dddaaammn tthhiinngg ooffff?